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Management of Change within an Organisation: Tesco

Management of Change within an Organisation: Tesco

Executive Summary

In order to bring and implement change in the organization, it is very essential to establish a clear management strategy, which can define the reason and purpose of change in the organization. It also requires involving employees in the process of implementing change through effective communication. Friendly and open environment with better decision making system in order to involve all the employees in the process of change is also very essential for the success of change in the organization (Valentine, 2005). It is also essential to conduct market research and to understand the need and requirements of employees and consumers both. To define correct goals and to set right target is also very essential for the successful change in the management system. Tesco with its strong leadership roles and strategic management emerged as a leading chain of retail stores with various changes in its organizational structure and function, leading to its success.

Tesco A Brief Overview of Company

Tesco is one of a leading retail business in the British economy; it was founded by Jack Cohen in 1979. It is also recognizes as internationally recognized UK owned retail business (Wood & Wearden, 2010). Cohen's father was a tailor and he was also supposed to join business of his father, but as he grew he started working in retail business and in 1917 he enlisted with the Royal Flying Corps, as a canvas maker. This was the beginning of his career in retail business. After First World War he started owning and hiring different retail stores in London. In 1938, he started the retail chain under the name of Tesco (Wood & Wearden, 2010). By 1940, there were many retail chains running under the name of Tesco and there were many changes and expansions in its business. Since the time of its establishment, change and management of change is the key for the success of this business that resulted in owning hundreds of Tesco stores all over America. In 1948, Cohen introduced a new and change concept of retail business. For the first time Cohen introduced American self service system in the retail stores in UK. This concept was then soon adopted in a number of different other business. Since the time of its establishment, there are a number of different other changes in its management, production, technological system, culture, employment, and various other areas. It is known as largest super market for consumers and biggest employer of in the private sector in UK (Tesco Annual Report, 2009). Apart from United Kingdom, there are a number of various Tesco retail stores all over the world, in different continents. Another striking change in the management operations of Tesco is that it also offers a number of different formats in retail business such as Express(961 stores), Extra (177 stores), Metro (174 stores), Superstore (448 stores), Homeplus (10 stores) and OneShop (512 stores), and Tesco online shop facilities on ...
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