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Answer 1)

Tesco's website states that “Tesco is committed to conducting business in an ethically and socially responsible manner”. Tesco has a commitment to be a good citizen “acting responsibly wherever we operate” and this translates into a Code of Conduct for Suppliers, a Code of Ethics for staff, a commitment to protecting the environment, using commercial strength to put principles into practice and a commitment to playing a positive role in community. (Humby, 2008, 53).

It is on the latter that this profile will focus - reviewing Tesco's work on regeneration partnerships through its Seacroft development.

In developing its regeneration strategy, Tesco looked at the social inclusion agenda and its own property programme and identified what it believed would be a win/win for communities, customers and their business. From this strategy, the following highlights have been achieved:

6 regeneration partnerships opened (in deprived areas that a major multiple would not normally look to invest in)

2,200 new jobs created

1,300 of these employed through the jobs guarantee, many previously long-term unemployed people

7 other partnerships announced which will create another 6,600 jobs

The Seacroft store was Tesco's first regeneration partnership. In 1998 the Seacroft area, while being only 4-5 miles away from the vibrant regenerated heart of Leeds, was ranked the 388th most deprived ward out of the 8,414 English wards. 17% of its adult population claimed Income Support compared to an average of 8% across the UK. Tesco's aims for the project were to:

Develop a profitable business model in communities characterised by social and economic deprivation

To solve local skill shortages by developing a unique jobs and training guarantee particularly applicable to the long-term unemployed

To engage with community partners so as to foster a sense of community and shared ownership for regeneration.

As the name implies, Tesco's Regeneration Partnerships required that the company develop new networks and new ways of doing business to deliver its projects. While the company already had good relationships with many of the partners who helped it to deliver the scheme, the project has strengthened these relationships and enabled Tesco to build new ones.

Partners included the Local Authority, training providers, JobCentrePlus, Trade Union (USDAW), community associations, and other employers. Internally a cross-company approach was required, drawing on expertise from many departments, ranging from Property to Human Resources to Corporate Affairs.

When the store opened in November 2000 over 240 previously unemployed people - many who had been out of work for more than two years - formed a 'key part' of Tesco's trained staff.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Tesco (UK's largest retailer and one of the top supermarket operators in the world) is an important part of its corporate structure. Tesco's CSR initiatives across several internal and external activities include local regeneration projects, being environmentally conscious, and community issues. A special focus is given to recycling, use of organics, use of energy and water, as well as its charity and community initiatives. These efforts reflect in its day to day activities.

Every year Tesco publishes its 'Corporate Social Responsibility Review' outlining its ...
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