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In today's world where entrepreneurship and owning your own business is considered as the latest fashion to acquire wealth and status we see a lot of new businesses launching every month and every year but only few of them are able to maintain their position in the cutthroat competition and rivalry. Maintenance of the success of the business totally depends on the strategies a business owner adopts to operate it and strategies are the nub that decides the success or failure of an organization. The basic objective of this paper is to analyze an organization its current position and future prospects. Tesco came into existence in 1919 (Conner, 1993, 135-142). It was Jack Cohen's idea that gave rise to such a huge and gigantic organization. Tesco is involved in grocery and general merchandising retailing. Tesco is considered on number three largest retailer in the world if we gauge its position in terms of revenue. First store of Tesco started its operation in 1929 (LePla, Parker, 1999, 46-57). Tesco is one of the companies that are listed in London Stock Exchange.

Identification of Problems and Associated Issues from Marketing Perspective

The grocery market has changed into the supermarket-dominated business over the last 30 years. Majority of big chains have stamped their authority because of their effective competence, one stop shopping and key marketing-mix expenses. This compelling power had a huge effect on the undersized conventional shops, for instance slaughterhouses, bakeries etc. The bargaining power of suppliers force signifies the control of dealers, which could come under the influence of the main chains of grocery and the fright of losing their business to the other big supermarkets. In response to this, the merchants whose bases are in the UK can be also threatened by the active practice of the supermarkets to import the foreign products and selling them at cheaper rates (Duffy, Hooper, 2003, 89-101).

The forces of aggressive competition have condensed the revenue limitations for super store chains and contractors. When more goods are being undifferentiated or harmonized, the smaller the price of exchange, more power can be capitulated to purchasers. Tesco's famed loyalty card or Club card remains the largely victorious client preservation plan to considerably increase the productivity of Tesco's production. Fulfilling the customer's requirements, modifying deals, guarantee, constant flow, low prices, and better options of in-store promotions allowed names like Tesco to manage and maintain their client hold (Duffy, Hooper, 2003, 89-101). Substitute can be considered reducing the demand for a particular product, as there is a risk of substitution of alternative buyer.

Food companies this can be in the structure of food by-product or alternative requirements, and reduce by new companies entering this business, for example, very small chain stores appear industries. In this case, Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury's are trying to buy small-scale processes and the opening of Metro Express stores and small local town and city centre. Store environment can be marked as a very important event in size and market dominance of large players, with the size of large ...
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