Terrorism In Iraq

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Terrorism In Iraq

Terrorism In Iraq


When people hear the word terrorism, they automatically associate it with the Middle East, and more specifically, Iraq. A lot of people also believe that the Iraqi government does not know what they are doing and that they aren't doing anything to help the terrorist problem. It is true that Iraq is home to many terrorist attacks and terrorist groups, but the government is trying their best. The government knows that they need the support of other countries in order to protect themselves and innocent citizens from terrorists. In the Iraq Foreign Policy it is stated, "We are making progress with the welcome assistance of a number of countries". The Iraq government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are open to and almost want the assistance of troops in their country because they need to learn how to keep their country stable by themselves, they want to erase Saddam Hussein's former infliction from everyone's mind, and there are too many terrorist attacks to control(Packer, 2006).

Is there such a thing as "terrorist attacks" in a "war zone"? Regardless of whether one sees the Iraq turmoil of 2003-2004 as between liberators and the liberated, or between invaders and the resistance, shouldn't "terrorism" apply to acts against peaceful non-aligned, uninvolved, innocent by-standers?

The marketing deception of the Bush regime depends upon keeping the terror in the face of his constituents, which they might feel the fear, and thereby trust in him for their protection. This tactic intentionally incorporates a Divine allusion.

Almost anything is now described as a "terrorist act", except of course the launching of missiles into a Mosque, in offensive prevention of yet another act in which the perpetrator willingly loses his life in defense of his homeland. It is the defensive, responsive, events which are referred to by the oppressors, not only as "terrorist", but amazingly "cowardice".

Below are some examples of how fear is marketed by the Bush administration. The "terrorists" in these factful tales are those whom he has just spent the last year "liberating" in anticipation that they would welcome him with roses and chocolates. They are the indigenous people of the world's most ancient civilization, in the "fertile crescent" of human evolution, who just want him to go away and leave them alone.


Suicide Car Bombings

"Car Bombs Rip during Baghdad," Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, June 17, 2003: "A civilian vehicle exploded in a neighborhood in northwest Baghdad on 16 June, killing one woman and a young girl, Reuters reported the same day. The cause of the explosion was not clear, but it reportedly occurred at an intersection where U.S. troops had dismantled a checkpoint just 30 minutes earlier. Another civilian vehicle was blown up in a tunnel in Baghdad on 16 June, the news agency reported. Early reports indicated that the likely cause of the latter blast was a land mine. Two Iraqis were wounded in that incident."

"U.S. expected car bombings in Iraq," CNN, August 19, 2003: "Fearing deadly car bomb attacks, ...
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