Terrorism And Society

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Terrorism and Society

Terrorism and Society


Since the emergence of mankind on the planet of earth the resources have been unequally divided where one part of the world has a greater share of all the resources and the other is deprived of basic necessities of food and clean water as well. On the other hand human psychology is such that few evil characteristics are also present. The evil characteristics of hatred, lack of tolerance, jealousy and competition has also affected the peace of the world vulnerably. The affect of the above social, economic and psychological factors have generated many evils in the society amongst them the biggest threat to human race is assassination and terrorists activities.

Assassination is an act when a person who has not been given authority by the law governing agencies of the world take the powers absolutely in his or her control and take the life of another person. The person who has died can be an innocent person or a criminal but if the judiciary or the law has not entitled a person to take the life of the other then the person kills the other person will be known as the assassin. Further assassinations can be motivated because of economic factors or due to other social and psychological factors too.

Similarly, a terrorist is a person who willfully is responsible for taking lives of many people (i.e. depending upon the act of terrorism the numbers can be in thousands, hundreds or few individuals) to make a strong statement in front of the world. A terrorist mostly perform these activities to grab the attention of the media and the masses, to iterate their political and terroristic mandates and to destroy world peace. Their actions make a lasting impression in world politics and ignite policy developments that infringe on numerous rights of the populations (Whittaker, 2012). These rights are enforced because to curb terrorism the mandated actions are presented to be as the only solutions. The recent expansion of terrorism and terrorist activities is associated with religious group's especially Muslim extremist groups who kill millions of people on the name of religion (Sligte et.al, 2013).

Thesis Statement

“The imbalance in society has motivated many individuals to perform terrorism and assassination acts. The following paper would forge arguments that suggest that terrorism forges deep connections with organized crime which is impacting the society negatively.”


What motivates a terrorist and assassin?

Assassins and terrorists are both criminal of the society but the reasons due to which they opt for their profession is diverse and differing from each other. Assassins are the evil criminals of the society who attempt the profession of killing as a source of earning and are reasonably responsible for political killings and paid assassinations. Assassins not only kill for money only but their psychological state of mind and social factors also pursued them or kill people.

Assassins firstly attempt to murder people for money and in this case they do not consider the judicial position whether the person is innocent or not? ...
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