Terrorism A Threat For The Society

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Terrorism a threat for the society


In today's world the threat of terrorism has become a global and, apparently, long-term threat to international security and stability. Our world has now become a target of different religious, ethnic and social tensions, which are the main breeding ground for nurturing terrorism. According to international experts, in the world today there are about 500 terrorist organizations and groups of different religious extremist. Over the past 10 years they have made about 10 thousand attacks, which killed thousands of people and tens of thousands injured.

Terrorism a threat for the society


Terrorism is one of the worst threats of our time. It is scary because it is not clear who the enemy is, and when and where it will hit, and every time a terrorist attack occurs it is innocent people that are suffering from it, and they have nowhere to go instead of seeking for protection. This is one statement with which everyone is familiar with, people have become accustomed to the threat of terrorism, as well as to other global problems, such as a bad environment or the greenhouse effect, and these are the things to which we cannot just get used to. Undoubtedly the crime of terrorism is an absolute evil for our society. This crime is beyond nationality, beyond religion, and beyond borders. Today the problem of terrorism in the whole world is very crucial. However, its scope and consequences, by its brutality and cruelty, terrorism has today become one of the worst problems of all humanity. Certainly this is a terrible and shameful threat to the humanity which must be fought by us all together, but the fight against terrorism is a serious problem that requires a deep and comprehensive thought, and planning. It should be noted that the root causes of terrorism lie in the political, socio-economic and ethnic problems.


Terrorism has become a real scourge for the modern society. Before our eyes, the fight against it has become a primary goal of the world's leading security services. It seems that the roots of terrorism are eternal and inherent in the nature of man, as a reflection of the dark side of the human soul. Manifestation of envy and selfishness, vanity and morbid fanaticism inadvertently acquire in our imperfect society such diabolical forms of terrorism. Experience in recent years, has shown that terrorists often use explosives in preference for solving problems of a political, religious or ethnic nature. Use of explosive devices is partly due to the simplicity to an end, and the low cost of the technical means used. Not for nothing is called terrorism in the west of the war on the cheap. Besides, a gun, knife and the poison did not have such a strong emotional impact on people, which are achieved by means of an explosive. Apparently, this situation will continue for the foreseeable future, one person with an unhealthy psyche significant forces police to normalize the ...
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