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The word terrorism has its roots linked to the French language and it derives from the French word terrorisme. The word terrorisme is inferred from the Latin word terreo. The general meaning of the word terreo is “I scare.” The process of employing hostility and intimidation to gain certain objectives is called terrorism. In most of the case, the primary objective of terrorism is deterrence. The objective of terrorism may also dish up some other aspects as well, including spiritual or ideological and political determinations. According to several authors, terrorism can also be defined as an act of law-breaking and a religious obligation. There is no authorize the association to nullify the effect of terrorism or to combat with it, this is because of the mysterious nature and little size of foreign terrorist organizations (FTO's). The purpose behind numerous acts of terrorism is to attain hype in an attempt to portray to the general public that they are actually fighting for something good for the community. Interestingly, the terrorism practitioners themselves do not consider their activities as harmful. Rather they ascertain themselves as lawful fighters, combating for what they consider in, by hook or by crook conceivable. Nevertheless, the one who suffers due to any act of terrorism would perceive terrorists as crooks who have no consider for human life whatsoever (Stanley, 2005).



Terrorism in United States of America

Terrorist activities have largely impacted USA and its citizens for ages. Over the passage of time, terrorism has turn into a core discussion point between US citizens. It strikes a chord for numerous citizens who were in some manner affected with the consequences of terrorism. September 2011, terrorist attacks on the world trade center in New York America have significantly changed the meanings of terrorism. The affected people of September 11 and their families would certainly give a more substantial persuasion against terrorist acts and the people involved with them, either directly or indirectly. Terrorism has acted upon US citizens to a greater extent, which can be determined from their opinions on community and civilization (Stanley, 2005). Most of the US nationals have turned harsh and perceive all Muslims as terrorists due to the effect cases similar to September 11 admit in their hearts.

Mostly, Muslims are adjudicated straight away by the manner they look and their belief but this due to the deeds of some evil groups that have toughened the thoughts of several people. It is unfairness not to give somebody likelihood though, the harm of terrorist attacks has affected the manner in which they perceive other people. US have been harm in such a manner that has left psychological wounds on citizens of America. The manner in which they perceive other has transformed, Americans have turn out to be extra careful and less relying. One cannot realizes the logic behind intimidation. Not a single citizen of America can actually give proper explanation for something that has occurred. Also, one cannot provide reasons about the brutal acts of terrorists as why they are doing it and what the purpose behind killing innocent lives ...
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