Term Limits For Congress

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Term Limits for Congress


Term limits for congress is a legislative rule that sets a limit on the number of terms that a citizen can be elected to this position. In the case of the presidential or semi-presidential systems, the limitation period is a method to prevent the possibility of monopoly, where a leader effectively becomes “president for life.” Sometimes there is an absolute limit on the amount of time within which a person may be in the position, in other cases limited to the number of consecutive terms (Rumenap, p2).


My position is that The U.S. should limit the number of terms on Congress. The president should be limited to serve for a term of six years. A two-term president effectively served only six years of his eight-year term. As proof, the current administration has delayed the implementation of reductions in the 2014 budget estimates for two years, to take effect after the 2012 presidential election. Previous administrations have taken similar steps to postpone what may be unpopular, but necessary decisions that could negatively affect their quest for reelection.

The Congress should be limited to a period of six years for the Senate and a four-year term for the House of Representatives. Sixth Senate and a quarter of the House One deliver each year. A term, either at home would be the lifetime limit that an individual may serve. However, a member of Congress would be eligible to run for president four years after its mandate expires.

United States, elections can not be limited to the choice of persons to hold office for the public sector. In some states and in some localities, policy issues may also appear on the ballot for adoption or rejection by the voters. Measures submitted for consideration by the voters of a state legislature or city council (referenda) or those subject to the initiative of individuals who have signed a petition to this effect have usually related to the issuance bonds (the approval of loans to finance public projects) and other responsibilities or restrictions on government.

In recent decades, such measures have had a significant impact, especially on the budget and state politics. Funding raised by political parties can be used for promoting the issues and to finance the party convention, but not to support candidates. All monies spent by political parties to promote issues that require a similar amount of money to be contributed to fund federal ...
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