Ten Entries Of Key Concepts Glossary

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Coursework 4: Ten entries of Key Concepts Glossary

Enlightenment as Mass Deception

Personal increasingly succumb to the absolute right of capitalism, in this age of mechanical reproduction. In this age, we are losing our subject, we are all judged by the market value of the exchange between the systems so that appearance and reality of different time periods. Technology has acquired the power of the community. Rule of reason is the concept of technology itself.

Starting from the Enlightenment, society has come up with a new attitude. Cultural industries to the production concept, but now we are completely subjective and manufacturing machines. In the past, rather than film, theater and shows in there, rather than administration there are books and magazines. Now, because of cultural industries, is everyone's ideas and aesthetic shrouded reality has been suspended. The development of cultural industries, resulting in effect, a clear link, in the work itself has expressed the idea, but the idea of the common advantage of the technical details of the liquidation. From Romanticism to the free expression during the period of performance, also attended the meeting and become a means of protest to the Organization. Single harmonics in the music adversarial form is present from where the knowledge as a whole. (Adorno & Horkheimer, 2002)

Ideological Material

'Thinking' is a 'sensational' aspect. The 'ideology' a different meaning is, 'of thinking' and 'original ideas survey' scientific thinking '. Thoughts come from feelings. The practice of Marxist philosophy represents a significant progress and history; it is in opposition to ideas. Marxist philosophy contains some negative value judgments, as the 'base' and the practice as the ideological superstructure.

Within the error in the assessment of the value of Marxist philosophy major elements of ideology

1. The total base determines the superstructure, but the base of the superstructure cannot be determined.

2. If any political solution is the ideology, it is no chance to be impractical and inferior.

3. Ideology is only a superficial phenomenon; it does not have any concrete impact.

There is always the ideological confrontation between the thought and practice, which assigns a disadvantage. He explained that the ideology and thoughts are very understanding of the material standard way to handle this type of key. Ways in which print media is the dominant ideology is one of propaganda and ideological material. He even believes that the first step to stop the subalternized serious intellectual and moral activity, but also erase it from all the masses.

Subaltern Classes

The underlying concept of the people, meaning 'lower' refers to the subject by the Gramsci as the rule of the ruling class hegemony of the concept of social groups. More specifically, Gramsci first used as a euphemism or a disguised proletariat with the original in his "Notes on Italian history,” Six Points, in his prison notebooks (1973) appears in the term. He also claims that the ruling class to the underclass as complex history. However, this "unofficial history” is that even when they rebelled some scattered; sporadic, low-level activities are always affected ...
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