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Television News Program Analysis

Television News Program Analysis

Television news plays an important part in the media as to transfer relevant and updated information regarding different issues which are happening around the world, as they are. Recent news, regarding Raymond Davis who has been alleged for killing three Pakistani citizens. His case is still unsolved as the findings are being collected and yet any decision has not been made. According to the different television sources are

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The murderer of three Pakistani, the US citizen Raymond Davis cannot enjoy diplomatic indemnity because he was on business visa. There is no question of self defense because three citizens have been killed in firing from backside.


US embassy has refused to cooperate with PAK and demanded his immediate release. On the other hand, Dr Afia Siddiqi, A Pak citizen killed two US soldier in self defense in war hit Afghanistan:


Physical and mental torture for 5 years and then finally sentenced of 80 years prison without any proper case trial.

Is a Raymond Davis US citizen above Pakistani Law? Geneva Convention cannot be implemented on Raymond Davis. Article 39-3 of the Geneva Convention provides indemnity to ambassadors, and Raymond Davis was on business visa. He was not performing any official duty at the time of incident so he cannot ask for any indemnity in this case. He should have to face the Pakistani Courts. Those who know the city will tell you that the area (Mozang) has little to offer to any foreign official. There is nothing there except a few rundown shops, some equally rundown houses and a very large graveyard.Why would an embassy official violate embassy rules and go there unescorted, carrying guns? And then he ended up killing two people. As if that was not enough, a car from the embassy then mowed down another in a desperate attempt to keep the firs diplomat out of the hands of the police. Imagine the uproar if a Pakistani diplomat had done a similar thing in New York.

Earliest reports suggested that Raymond Davis was a “technical adviser” and a “consular” official. More recently, US Embassy officials have described him as a “functionary” of the Embassy assigned to the US Consulate in Lahore and carrying a US Diplomatic passport. Reportedly he was hired at the US Consulate in Lahore as a security contractor from a Florida-based firm Hyperion Protective Consultants (, 2010).

All of this has material relevance to whether he would enjoy diplomatic immunity or not, but even more because of the apprehensions of many Pakistanis that he could be linked to the CIA or to the infamous firm Black water (later renamed XE Services).

What exactly was happening at Mozang? Very much in line with the immediate knee-jerk reaction of many Pakistanis, an early commentary by Jeff Stein in The Washington Post seemed to suggest rather fancifully that the shootout could have been. That would be a conspiracy theory, but not an entirely implausible one.

Mozang is not a part of town that you ...
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