Television In American Culture

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Television in American Culture

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Television in American Culture


The scientific innovation has played a significant role in the life of people. According to the research, the 99% of American people has addicted on detrimental amount of watching television. These people watching television from last many decades, due to which the highest average has noticed in US. The nation avoids other sources such as newspapers, books, magazines and adopts television which ahs negatively affected to mould their personalities. Through this addiction, the lifestyle of these people totally disturbed, due to which various diseases has found. The extreme addiction of watching T.V has increased the ratio of obesity because during watching television people use eatables stuffs which increase their weights. The metabolism system also disturbed and they faced various diseases such as digestion, ulcer and others. The eye sight of people especially children also weak. The unbalance use of T.V has disturbed the life of Americans.

Source: (, 2013-09-15)


This essay discusses the effects of the television (TV) in the American culture. Moreover, this paper has discussed the effects that it has on the people of United State of America. The television in this era has become the addiction of the people of the America; it has also affected the behavior, intelligence, morality and health of the people. The television also plays a vital role in changing the cultural values of the America. Since, United States of America is a country where people around the world are living together. Television through electronic media sometimes plays negative role through promoting stereotyping. The behavior of the people of United Sates of America changes from watching television. A number of researches have been conducting to analyze the affect of the television on the behavior of the people of the society. No doubt that the television plays a vital role in developing behavior of the society. “Television is more interesting than people. If it were not, we would have people standing in the corners of our rooms” (Wasko, 2009). Television not only affects the behavior of the people but it also affects the health of the people in United State of America. One of the reasons of the prevailing of the obesity in America is the television. People use to watch TV continuously and eat while watching TV; it makes them to eat more than regularly. Moreover, TV consumes the precious time of the people which could be spent on any constructive activity. For instance, if a person watches TV daily for 4 to 5 hours then he or she is wasting time. If this time is invested on the health or any physical activity then it could be a constructive approach of utilizing the time (Chapman, Benedict, Brooks, & Schiöth, 2012).

The child obesity in America is somehow directly proportional to the time spend on watching the TV. For the children physical activities and gaming are more important rather than watching TV. The gaming and the physical activities assist the children in developing them ...
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