Television And Children

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Television and Children

Television and Children


Violence and aggression are not the newest behaviors found in mankind. But, in relation to the current era, the levels of violence have dramatically increased in between American youth. It affects the American public policy in terms of transfers from juvenile to adult jails and courts (Haines et al, 2012). One of the major self-destructive policies at young age can be the exposure to violence that further becomes a major personality trait (Gbadamosi et al, 2012). Witnessing violence at a very young age often victimize the ability to perform anti-social behavior in the society. The impact of Television should also be viewed in accordance to provide reasons that are sufficient that children are exposed to violence that leads towards an aggressive personality when they are grown ups. Television creates both long term and short term behaviors that gives birth to aggression in a personality, similarly temporary and on permanent basis.

Watching television is a frequent way to pass time in American homes, whereas sometimes unrestricted content is also aired on television. There is a series of impact that is focused primarily on the negative attributes of television on children (Aran et al,2012). The perception that is created by violence and aggression that is watched on television similar to excessive use of alcohol communicates with physical outburst. The construction of violence behavior is developed at a very early age in the American society, due to the intervention of social factors that are established by such acts (Haines et al, 2012). The neglect on the account of social and political forces has resulted the notion that reinforces aggressive behavior. Children and adolescents who are exposed to aggression on television would want to experience it psychically in their social and peer group that would lead to violent behavior at schools periodically.


Television and violence

Mass media especially television plays a vital role in order to social with children. It can be said that children spend more time watching television rather than engaging in any other activity except sleep on annual basis. Television also adds different elements in children's personality on how to live or act accordingly by the material that is shown on it, they are influenced by (Russell et al, 2009). But, when the imagination and thought process exceeds the limits of socialization their mentality earns a negative outcome which structures aggression into their personalities. Children at a very young age are exposed to different types of violence such as psychical violence, verbal violence that include insults and abuses, or collective violence which is discrimination towards a race or a culture.

There as an important responsibility on parents and that is to avoid violent material when they are watching television along with their children. Because, a number of prominent outcomes of thoughts are experienced as aggressive material on television channels is growing demandingly (Russell et al, 2009). There should be limitations on watching television all of the time because one cannot keep a watch on their children all the ...
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