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Telepathy literally means 'distant feeling' and it is a shortened form of the phrase 'mental telepathy'. The term was coined by Frederick Myers in 1882. He used the term in place of such phrases as MIND-READING and 'thought transference'. Experiments into the possible existence of telepathy as a form of Extrasensory Perception have been one of the main themes of research in the area of Parapsychology since the 1920s. Some argue that the apparent successes of some mediums are actually examples of telepathy. Telepathy also forms the basis of a proposed explanation for certain supposed cases of Remote Viewing (those where the target is a person at a remote location and the agent attempts to ascertain what they are seeing). However, despite well over one hundred years of research into telepathy, and claims that a substantial proportion of the population believe in its existence, there have been no conclusive demonstrations of the effect (Luckhurst, 2002).

Telepathy is a universal mode of communication based on the emission and reception of thoughts. In fact, we could define telepathy as a being's ability to receive and transmit information from the seat of his consciousness. Many people believe that those who practice conscious telepathy literally hear the information transmitted to them, like a telephone conversation. This belief is the source of great misunderstanding about this ancient form of communication, because people think they are not capable. Know that there is no privileged who received the donation of telepathy. Absolutely all Humans are telepathic, this option is available to all.


Sometimes the desire to communicate telepathically is so powerful that the person believes that owns it without really being so, it is the case of schizophrenia that may have false sensations in which the victim believed to be in telepathic communication with others; on those feelings is both ...
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