Teenager Smoking

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Teenager Smoking

Teenager smoking


Teen smoking is one of the common issues faced by the society. It's the most addictive issues faced by the teenagers. Smoking is generally started as a means to look mature and adult, but eventually the person becomes addictive to it. Initially the kids think it's not harmless, they have this concept that they will quit it in few years, however, those who have started smoking in their teenagers continue to smoke in their later years. The real task is to know what makes teen smoke and what can be done to prevent teen smoking. It is the flaw of our own society that we do not provide awareness to our teens about the potential dangers of smoking. It has become a norm for every youngster to try their hands on everything that looks glamorous, and can help them look like adults. The peer pressure and the cultural norms at schools make teens adapt to such dangerous activities.


Teen smoking is one of the common issues faced by the society. It's the most addictive issues faced by the teenagers. Smoking is a habit in which a person taste or inhaled the smoke of a substance that is burned like tobacco or / and cannabis. The smoking is done as a means for entertainment, as the drug is lighted and combustion is released the substances that are present in drugs like nicotine and allows them to be absorbed by lungs. Smoking or drugs are also taken as a part of cult and social practices to create trance and spiritual awareness.

Today, the most common means of smoking are cigarettes. Cigarettes are generally manufactured in industries but also can be created from rolling paper and loose tobacco. There are many smoking aides available in the market other than cigarettes like pipes, bidis, cigars, hookahs, bongs and vaporizers. It has been said that the diseases related to smoking kill almost 30% of lifelong smokers, but these diseases can affect non-smokers too. Almost 5 million people globally die because of this smoking.( West, Robert and Shiffman, Saul,2007).

Facts about teen smoking

3 million teenagers are smokers. Every day almost 3,000 kids smoke their first cigarette. The use of tobacco initially begins in the early age, usually by the age of 16. The first smoking experience happens generally before the graduation from high school. According to a survey, in America, almost 20% percent youngsters smoke. Despite the education that smoking is injurious to health, is addictive and because many diseases, around 6 million kids in US smoke. Tobacco is known to kill people who have been smoking for the last 15 years, at least 20,000 before the age of 70. The statistics show that 3,000 kids who have started smoking at the moment, almost 1,000 will finally die from smoking. Young girls who take oral birth control medicines and smoke have great chances of having more diseases like strokes.( www.smoking-facts.net)

Causes of Teenage Smoking

It's a known fact that smoking is a great addiction and 6 out of 10 kids ...
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