Teenage Sexuality And Multimedia

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Teenage Sexuality and Multimedia

Teenage Sexuality and Multimedia


Teenager is the period where individual discovers new horizons. This is the period when they are discovering who are they and what they actual want to be. During this age, they spend much time in watching TV, listening music, internet and gaming. This result in the adoption of they hear and what they see. Hence, television and other source of media have a tendency to show to portray a negative image in to a positive and attractive image. This paper will focus on two contents; one is the scholarly article focusing on the Teenage sexuality and media practice while other is the popular media article which is on Teen sex linked to early adult TV content. Beside this, there will be a comparison of the content.


Teenage Sexuality and Media Practice: Factoring in the Influences of Family, Friends and School

The purpose of this article is to address the question which is related to the sex, love and relationship with mass media images and messages and it interaction with what they discover about these things in their house, school and friends. As we know that the media is an important source of information on sexual behavior for adolescents. The media uses sexuality to sell products. Teenagers is a stage of life of enormous complexity and difficulties due to many changes that occur, from the physical, psychological, emotional, intellectual and emotional search for identity and sexuality search. Therefore, addressing the issue of sexuality in adolescents is critical for the understanding of it, contribute to the development of the young.

The hypothesis of this article is that through images that are exposed by media, teenager gets influenced and attracts with such things and get involved in unhealthy practice of sexuality. In order to confirm this, multi-methods was selected that were qualitative in nature. This study is the extended version of the article written by Steel and Brown. The data was collected through focus groups, media journals, room tour, and in dept interviews was conducted. The sample data was students of middle school and high school. Furthermore, the article focus on the things these children prefer in media and how they related this information with their daily life.

The research was conducted with various methods which comprises of observation, survey and naturalistic. Moreover, eight focus group in which there was 51 teens participant. The conclusion of this article is that the Teenage is a crucial period of the growth in which both physically and mentally develop. It is a period of rebellion, where by this desire for independence that characterizes us, makes us ignore the warnings and advice from the family and schools mainly given to us. No doubt those adolescents, their concerns and needs of experimentation; they become risk population for both STDs and unwanted pregnancies for situations that have increased steadily since the seventies, where perhaps a correct Education is the best prevention. At present there is a separation of family values ??and beliefs on the one ...
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