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Teenage Pregnancy

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Teenage Pregnancy in United Kingdom

Teenage Pregnancy in United Kingdom


The aim and rationale of my assignment is in light of the latest data and reports suggesting pandemic increase in teenage pregnancies in the UK. Minister described unplanned teenage pregnancy as disastrous, depriving a girl of education, her relationships with her friends and family, the end of her education, shut doors to her future and a cause of social inequality and deprivation. However, there is a view that an increase in teenage pregnancies has a long lasting effect on the future generations as well.

Teenage pregnancy leads to higher illiteracy, unemployment and poverty. As one would agree that a teenage mum will have an added responsibility for the child and after the child birth she would be busy looking after the child. This is turn would mean that the mother in maximum cases would have to discontinue her studies. This then is a vicious cycle where the mother will have to be reliant on state benefits leading to poverty. Therefore, it gave rise to believe and try to identify the scale of the problem of teenage pregnancy and role of health care professionals in providing sexual health promotion to the teenage group to make informed decisions about parenthood.

However, teenage pregnancy can be defined as that which occurs within two years of gynecological age, understood as the time elapsed since menarche, or when the teenager is still dependent on their family of origin. Teenage pregnancy and early pregnancy is that pregnancy occurs in a woman young between early teenager and puberty onset of child bearing age, and the end of teenage. The majority of teen pregnancies are considered unwanted pregnancies, caused by the practice of sex without contraception. In general, the term also refers to women pregnant who have not reached the legal age of majority, varies for different countries, as well as female teenagers who are pregnant dependency status of the family of origin. Pregnancy in a female teenager may come to term, resulting in the birth, or terminated by abortion, is it spontaneous or induced, in the latter case of legal or illegal depending on each country's legislation.


Teenage pregnancy can be defined as that which occurs within two years of gynaecological age, understood as the time elapsed since menarche, or when the teenager is still dependent on their family of origin. Teenage pregnancy and early pregnancy is that pregnancy occurs in a woman young between early teenager and puberty onset of child bearing age, and the end of teenage. The majority of teen pregnancies are considered unwanted pregnancies, caused by the practice of sex without contraception. In general, the term also refers to women pregnant who have not reached the legal age of majority, varies for different countries, as well as female teenagers who are pregnant dependency status of the family of origin. Pregnancy in a female teenager may come to term, resulting in the birth, or terminated by abortion, is it spontaneous or induced, in the latter case of ...
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