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Teenage: Saving Our Future

Teenage: Saving Our Future

Statistics display that newly permitted teenage boys origin a higher number of serious automobile misfortunes than any other group. It is evident that many young men are too reckless and impulsive to be good drivers. To protect the larger society, the age at which a boy should earn his license should be raised to eighteen.

Turning sixteen years of age is an exciting event in teenagers that life. It allows them to get a driver's license and is a major step toward adulthood. With this, it gives them the freedom and control over something they have never experienced before. In most cases, people stress about gangs, drugs and violence in our society as a major consequence of teenage, but the leading causes of accidents are teen drivers today, especially sixteen and seventeen year olds. The legislature should pass a law changing the driver licensing age to eighteen instead of sixteen. This might reduce the size of the driving problems that we face today.

Getting driving license for teenagers have become easy thing with the support of family and our legal system, but n most European countries young people are not able to purchase a license until they are at least seventeen or eighteen. There have been fewer fatal crashes among young people in these countries because of this. Gladwell, writing an article in the "Successful Farming" magazine writes about American youth compared to other teenagers around the world. This states that "American teenager drive at an earlier age than in most countries". It is not surprising to me because it is allowed in some states that teenagers have to be fourteen years in some cases to be allowed to drive.

In most cases, sixteen and seventeen year olds do not recognize the importance and the responsibility that comes with getting a driver's license. They find it a bit like play around with and not take it seriously. For example, a cause of impotence is irresponsible. For this reason, there are many accidents that can be prevented. Allan F. Williams, an author of "Public Health Reports", writes about the properties of all teens have in common. He observes that "qualities usually with immaturity (as in chance, checking bounds, awful conclusions, overconfidence) are the dodgy going by car characteristic of teenage drivers". Almost half of the accidents were caused by young people today in conjunction with peer pressure ...
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