Teen Violence

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Teen Violence

Teen Violence


Violence is a major health issue in the public of United States. From younger to the elders, it affects people in almost all part of their life. Teen violence is something harmful and dangerous. Teen violence is something real and is a huge part of a teenager's life in the community we live in today. It includes many things like dating violence, its means dating anyone who is violent, who slaps them frequently and much more. Your child also sees violence in their school; many infants are using drugs or alcohols and become very sad. This is very harmful because they are not thinking properly, and this may bring knife or gun to school, and these can harm others. Sadness or depression can make anyone violent especially a teenager. The big problem in teen violence is dating violence, which is very common in today's society.

Group violence in teen is a huge concern, teen in this situation are in a very danger situation and can cause deaths. Teens that are indulged in groups or gangs are likely to do a violent act towards other people, may be killing them. The longer a teen lives in such type of surrounding the more violent they can become. Teens can observe violence at their homes as well, they may watch one parent abused and harmed by the other, and sometimes one of the parents may be responsible of beating their teens. Maybe the other parent is unaware of what is going in her teens mind. Such kind of teen violence is common in today's society.

Teen violence has always been a major problem, during 1980's and 1990's the number of injuries and deaths increased a lot since more teens started to carry guns, knifes with them, but In last years, it has been reduced, fewer teens are now carrying guns and also murder arrest has been decreased to big extend, but it has not finished yet this is a big concern (NYVPRC, 2001).


Problem Addressed

The major problem regarding teen violence is teen dating violence. It is a situation when an individual uses threats, pressure, physical, sexual or emotional violence in order to have his or her control in a relationship. Teen dating violence occurs almost in all race, sex and socioeconomic lines. Dating abuse is a kind of close relationship violence. It mainly happens among two people in a very intimate relationship (CDC, 2012).

Dating violence is a major issue in college campuses and most of the students are abused by their partners physically or psychologically. It is very critical issue in today's society which has to be addressed and necessary measures should be taken regarding this issue. (Iconis, 2013). Physically, emotionally or sexually can be the nature of dating violence (CDC, 2012).


This is a kind of dating violence occurs when a partner uses his body to harm other like kicking, hitting or pinching.


It means harming or threatening partners self value or respect. It mainly includes bullying, making feel ashamed ...
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