Teen Pregnancy Rate

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Teen Pregnancy Rate

Teen Pregnancy Rate

What must the US do for lower the teen pregnancy rate?

Teenage pregnancy rate in the United States is at the lower level but it is remain highest among the developed countries. According to the report, around 70 per 1000 women among the age between 15 to 18 years, nearly 750000 American teenagers become pregnant each year (Fallon, 2011).

Study indicated that the average age of the menarche has reached at the time when they become at age of 13 years and due to this around 6 out of 10 teenagers have experience the risk of sex in their life and become pregnant.

The United States of America needs the number of initiatives for reducing the rate of teenage and the negative outcomes that accompany form it. These initiatives does required the medic all accuracy about sexuality education and inform them through media and visiting their schools, improvement for the access to the planning services and the development of youth in order to improve the options of teen agers life.

Sex Education

The education of sex that is more responsible and it is medically accurate that begins from the age of kindergarten, and it will continues in an appropriate manner through the 12th grade. In face the most effective program that has aimed for reducing the teenage pregnancy are to targeting the younger adolescents those who are not experienced sex yet.

Many of these programs in the US are currently caution the youth for not having sex until they married. Study indicated that most of the teenagers have received the formal education on “how to say, no to sex”.

Media Role

The most effect and useful tool to prevent the teen age pregnancy is to be done through media:

In the US, around one of three program contains sex scene ...
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