Teen Pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is represents fertility in a situation when a girl is too young to embrace motherhood. Teenage pregnancy occurs between early adolescence and puberty. The World Health organization (WHO) sets the teens between 10 and 19 years. Most teenage pregnancies are considered unwanted pregnancies, caused by the practice of sex without contraception. In general, the term also refers to pregnant women who have not reached the legal age of maturity which varies for different countries. Teenage pregnancy also includes, a young woman who gets pregnant in a situation of dependency of the family of origin. Teen pregnancy can affect the life of a teenage girl. There are various implications of teenage pregnancy in terms of social context. Teenage pregnancy is an issue that is prevalent in United Kingdom more than any other industrialized country (Bailey, 2000).

Causes of Teenage Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy rates are influenced by the messages girls get from the world around them, from their social environment and the need for approval or attention. Often, teen girls participate in unsafe sexual situations to fit in with a group of peers or cement, with a particular young man. They do not fully understand that motherhood is a job, miscalculating future loss of career and personal growth from having children too early.


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