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TED Talk "Neo-Evolution" is a development of the human being through voluntary modification of its genome

TED Talk-"Neo-Evolution" is a development of the human being through voluntary modification of its genome.

Personal Vision

The fact of evolution pervades modern thought from astronomy to psychology. I personally consider it safe to assume that no academic discipline has escaped the influence of an evolutionary framework. My worldview grounded in a serious consideration of time, change, and evolution; it is a remarkably different explanation for this universe, life-forms on earth, and our own emerging species than given by natural philosophers only 2 centuries ago.

Rocks, fossils, artifacts, and genes offer compelling and sufficient evidence for a dynamic view of this planet and those organisms that have existed before and do now live on it. Yet facts do not interpret themselves. Consequently, interpretations of evolution vary greatly from materialism through vitalism and spiritualism to mysticism. In this arc of evolution, there is a glaring difference between the materialist stance of Charles Darwin and the mystical outlook of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Each interpreter of evolution comes to the theory with a different set of ideas, issues, and values within an orientation. Perspectives range from a planetary focus to a cosmic approach.

Modern anthropology embraces the fact of evolution, viewing the recent appearance of humankind within a sweeping geological framework. Our biological structures and functions, as well as societies and cultures, have changed throughout time and will continue to do so. One fascinating prospect for our species is its subsequent adaptation to and survival in outer space, whether for living on neighboring planets or elsewhere in this expanding universe.

It is almost a commonplace to emphasize the increasingly common link between advances and applications in the biomedical sciences and the rights of individuals, so that such linkage sometimes presented as an intense dialectical tension, particularly when they conflict between another individual and these values with other supra-individual or collective. The jurists, but not only them, have sought, in this area, development of human rights or the identification of additional rights or new holders, while establishing relationships and hierarchies among them.

TED Talk

My primary aim in making this TED talk is to present my perspective of human evolution in the light of previous researched in the field of neo-evolution. This supports my point of view that the evolution occurred due to development of the human being through voluntary modification of its genome. The idea of evolution did not originate with the thoughts of Charles Darwin in the middle of the 19th century. Nor did this naturalist have the last word on his own theory of “descent with modification”. Still in terms of science and reason, the conceptual revolution of biological evolution received its factual foundation with Darwin's pivotal writings on the history and diversity of life-forms on this planet.

In fact, the idea of evolution been glimpsed by several natural philosophers in ancient Greece during the presocratic Age (Whitlock, 2009): Thales, Anaximander, Heraclitus, Xenophanes, and ...
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