Technology's Evolutionary Process For Internal Innovation

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Technology's Evolutionary Process for Internal Innovation

Technology's Evolutionary Process for Internal Innovation


The technology's evolutionary process is evident in internal organizational planning. Internal innovations play an important role in shaping the strategic changes. Internal organizational planning demands innovation to direct new paths, recommendations, functions, format, and effects of the strategies guiding the organization towards its objectives. It involves making strategic recommendations that are based on facts and analysis. This planning is controlled by the levels of management participating in the decision making corresponding to the environmental changes and developing the strategies. This paper evaluates the technology stages and contributing processes as it evolves from internal organizational planning. It also analyzes the innovation strategy and the factors affecting it along with its challenges.


The technology's evolutionary process for internal innovation explains the processes and innovation planning different for each of these stages. The various stages in technology cycle should be necessary to evaluate and incorporate innovation planning in each of these stages accordingly. This can be done spontaneously while identifying and calculating the challenges and issues faced in these processes. Therefore, it is deemed pivotal to keep parallel insights of changes in environment of the organization to integrate technology and innovation (Cantwell, 2005).

An effective business policy to aid the purpose of these strategic innovations at various stages should be clear, precise, specific, reliable, appropriate, simple to understand, comprehensive, stable, and flexible to change. According to public belief, policies and strategies are often used interchangeably which is not true. The policies should be precise and comprehensive because its ambiguity and misconception might lead to difficulties in implementation. Therefore, it should be clearly outlined that how the strategies should be formulated and conducted from the point of inception to successful implementation.

Technology Stages and Contributing Processes

Technology usually undergoes four stages as it evolves from internal organizational planning. This can be defined as R&D phase, ascent phase, maturity phase, and decline phase. The research and development stage of technology marks the initiation of the cycle. The innovation in technology begins with research and development. It is the stage where new processes are sought in terms of cost and benefits to determine the overall values of systems. Then the newly studied technology is implemented and its growth success is evaluated. The maturity stage is reached when the growth of technology becomes stagnant. The downfall or decline stage is experienced by technology after maturity stage. Innovation plays an important part in maturity stage to avoid technology decline. Therefore, it is deemed necessary to continuously incorporate innovation in technological cycle to avoid the decline and death of a certain technology.

Technology contributes aggressively in internal organizational planning. The contributing processes of technology evolving from the internal organizational planning usually go through various stages. However, this participation in internal organizational planning consequently results in the effectiveness of systems existing within the organization. The internal planning affected by technology proves to be beneficial for the company due to several reasons in terms of accuracy and ...
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