Technology Combat Against Terrorism

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Technology Combat against Terrorism

Technology Combat against Terrorism


The progression in technology with time has influenced the security system, and the dependency over it has increased. Innovative technology is being utilized for surveillance and security purposes against all threats and terrorism risks. The high dependency of US security infrastructure over the intensely integrated electronic system has inflated the probability of threats of technological terrorism in the country. The US electric network and infrastructure are susceptible to the new evolving threats which are being answered through advance technical intelligence of the country.

Technical intelligence in fighting against terrorism has become more popular and evident. The amalgamation of technology with intelligence has produced an effective tool for counter terrorism. Diverse forms of techniques and technologies have been introduced that could facilitate the authority from detection to investigation.

9/11 has changed the form of counter terrorism from previous years. New developments and strategies are being formulated with every passing year, which help the military and government of the developing countries to fight against the terrorists and militants.

The War of terrorism against Afghanistan and Iraq has been one of the strategies that was used to combat terrorism at the cost of many lives. Drone attacks made in Pakistan and Afghan borders to eradicate the structure of militants are amongst the strategies that United States had devised against terrorism. The use of technology and advance technical weapons in war has increased the financial expenses of the States.


Terrorism- the weapon of the weak

In ancient times, terrorism did enough to threaten the people using tools that were based on swords, and axes. With time, modernization took place that changed everything globally, including terrorism. Modern terror began in Russia in 1880 that later entered the Western Europe and Asia. In the past, the terrorists would use the theory of individual form of terrorism to influence their victims around the world. At present their approach has changed completely. The terrorist would rather concentrate over masses and result in mass destruction. Today's terrorism is about modern technological weapons and devices that are used to create chaos and fear against people. Terrorism has become a challenging threat in the era of modern technology and globalization. Though, it is difficult to comprehend what are the reasons that derives the people towards terrorism. Is it only the religious beliefs that are involved in devising terrorist attacks or there is something more to it. Whatever the reason may be, but terrorism is a threat that cannot ignored in any case. It exists in reality and has taken away many innocent lives in the name of religion, power and rights, including those who have been persuaded towards the dreadful means of attacking. Many psychologists like John Horgan, PhD, suggests that it is important to investigate how the personality of a person changes when involved in terrorism than to ask reasons that derived him towards the deadly cause (DeAngelis, 2009).

Modern terrorism has undergone many changes. The major change that has occurred in it is the way they approach their target using ...
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