Technology And Social Justice

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Technology and Social Justice

Technology and Social Justice


In this chapter, we first briefly outline different perspectives on technology and human development and change. Their argument begins with the claim that, within the boundaries of technology, humans have always been reinventing themselves through applied technologies. Where the lines should be drawn?

After this scene, after filing the capabilities approach, a way of think about issues of justice, equality and development, from philosophy applies today often these days to development issues. Dyson answer cynical doubts that technological innovations frequently serve to increase social oppression and inequality.

Dyson Views in the Chapter

However, technological innovation is not a "Prometheus Unbound" impossible to control, even if their own content that may affect the characteristics of the mutation. Technological innovation is not simply the product of research and development applied to solving social and economic problems, the way they are born, grow and spread depends on a set of social, economic and organizational.

Consider the complex naturalize innovative process and the relationship between technological innovation and society. I suggest therefore, an approach to systematic technological innovation that while underlining the strong interdependence between technology, economics, politics, culture and a territorial context, this model than traditional systems, as is capable of transferring the theoretical view sociopolitical strategies. The transition from industrial society to the planned society, post-industrial or neo-industrial growth is based on a plurality of organizational models, involves diversified solutions and heterogeneous cultural behavior is defined by the sum of rationality on which confronts a global model. Based on the model outlined above and to reflect on the new organizational models is important to consider the following points: A) The culture of innovation. B) The technology-related work with respect to employment issues and the organization of work processes. C) The territory as a place of definition and ...
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