Technology And Skilled Labour

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Technology is replacing skilled Labour with “McJobs”

Technology is replacing skilled Labour with “McJobs”


The technology is part of our lives and this, no doubt. Every day, we use a means of transport to get to our destination, use the phone to make a personal call or business, send a fax to someone located in another building or to another state, wrote an "e-mail "to communicate with our colleagues, our friends or our family, and we can mention a variety of technologies that coexist with us. Technology is considered as an extension of human innovation to do better in their environment but unfortunately it is replacing skilled labour. Technology is all "set of expertise of mechanical trades and industrial arts (Whitston, 2011, 207)." The large modern factories, with their complicated mechanisms and the wonderful industrial processes are developed in them, all demonstrate the technological progress. Technology is not the enemy of well-being at work. The world has shrunk due to advances in modern technology. So much so that now it has become an essential part for the functional development of the country. We have reached the point that a society without technology is like a prehistoric society. Modern technology is increasing the productivity and effectiveness as a result of which will require less effort working to meet the basic needs of the individual. Let's look positively at the future of technology, but remember that we know how to handle and use it for better quality of life. Technology has influenced in different ways in the human context and caused a drastic change in it, has overcome some mishaps that lead to reality and thus show great advances in common society. Today technology can be applied in all we do, assist and facilitate our daily lives, developing new capabilities while new technologies that serve to provide solutions to companies, organizations or beneficiaries of this. With the invention of various technological devices that are used daily can easily restore or build projects that are carried out, as this is a means of control that governs most of the project properties and helps to realize faster, and more reliable, if it's something to be interpersonal or wander through a field such as web friendly. Although technology is not the only factor determining competitiveness, today is widespread view that all things that can change the rules of competition, technological change as the most important figure (Attewell, 1987, 323). The competitive advantages derive scientific knowledge today become technologies. In any case, to pinpoint the benefits of the use of computers and other devices can not, so you should enjoy the benefits of the twenty-first century and the development of modern technologies. While there is some evidence that shows that businesses with franchises use part-time jobs and hire skilled workers in their education, it is also true that they spend more on these workers, train more and possibly include them in flexible work requiring their involvement, no franchise ...
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