Technology And Crime

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Technology and Crime

Technology and Crime


The term technology and crime are both escalating as we approach the advancement of the society, as well as, developing world. Technology is the most important facet recorded to be causing human progress and development. The crux of technological development is about enabling the human beings to do more in a lesser time, and that more effectively. Technology has expended the reach of human beings in all domains of life, and therefore, the crime. As reported, with the escalation of technological development, crime has also escalated in a multi-fold manner (Sanova, 2004).

The term technology is defined as “the application of scientific knowledge to the real world in order to enhance and facilitate the living of the mankind”. The word crime is defined as “An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law”. However, reports show that expansion of human capabilities and reach has added to the commitment of unlawful activities. Crime rates have multiplied in the recent years, so as the usage of technology.

The paper explores the relationship between crime rates, as well as, the reason behind the contribution of technology to crime. It also explores the ways provided by technological means to commit crime. The paper finally presents a conclusion that encompasses of the solutions to the problem of escalation of crime as technology progresses (Sanova, 2004).


The term technology pertains to the development of scientific innovations that make the operations of human activities through technological means. The global village speaks about human advancement that stands at a very basic level of technology. It is being utilized in all the areas of human life. Crime and criminal offences are one of the very fundamental and significant areas of human life.

Approaching technology, ...
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