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Research Paper-Technology

Research Paper-Technology

Question 1: the report question

One of the Group's members believes that there is both 'fixed' and 'mobile' WiMAX. They have learned that Amton is getting something called 'IEEE 802.16e'. Is that fixed or mobile, and does it matter regarding possible use in Amford?

IEEE 802.16e' used at Amton is mobile and of course it matters regarding the possible use in Amford. IEEE 802.16e Mobile WiMAXTM is the standard for broadband (high-speed) wireless access (BWA) in a metropolitan area. Many carriers all over the world have been deploying Mobile WiMAX infrastructure and equipment. For interoperability testing, several WiMAX profiles have been developed by WiMAX Forum. (Sweeney, 2004, pp358) The key concern of these providers is how many users they can support for various types of applications in a given environment or what value should be used for various parameters. This often requires detailed simulations and can be time consuming. In addition, studying sensitivity of the results to various input values requires multiple runs of the simulation further increasing the cost and complexity of the analysis. (Ghosh, 2005, pp36)

What equipment would Amford's residents need for their homes? Can it be indoors, or will it need to be attached to the outside of their homes?

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) is the key requirement for the Amford's residents need for their homes. One of the key developments of the last decade in the field of wireless broadband is the practical adoption and cost effective implementation of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA). Today, almost all upcoming broadband access technologies including Mobile WiMAX and its competitors use OFDMA. (Fazel, 2008, pp212) For performance modeling of Mobile WiMAX, it is important to understand OFDMA. (Vitaliev, 2010, pp25) Therefore, we provide a very brief explanation that helps us introduce the terms that are used later in our analysis. For further details, we refer the reader to one of several good books and survey on Mobile WiMAX. Unlike WiFi and many cellular technologies which use fixed width channels, Mobile WiMAX allows almost any available spectrum width to be used. Allowed channel bandwidths vary from 1.25 MHz to 28 MHz. (Ergen, 2009, pp96) The channel is divided into many equally spaced subcarriers. For example, a 10 MHz channel is divided into 1024 subcarriers some of which are used for data transmission while others are reserved for monitoring the quality of the channel (pilot subcarriers), for providing safety zone (guard subcarriers) between the channels, or for using as a reference frequency (DC subcarrier). (Nuaymi, 2007, pp69) The data and pilot subcarriers are modulated using one of several available MCSs (Modulation and Coding Schemes). Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) are examples of modulation methods. Coding refers to the Forward Error Correction (FEC) bits. Thus, QAM-64 1/3 indicates an MCS with 6-bit (64 combinations) QAM modulated symbols and the error correction bits take up 2/3 of the bits leaving only 1/3 for data. (Yaghoobi, 2004, pp68) In traditional cellular networks, the downlink - ...
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