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In ancient times, man proposed to meet the main objective nature in modernity that intention has changed to now will dominate and techno science actions being efficient system whose base is scientific knowledge changes the world covering not only the nature but society and humans, transforming. If humans exploit nature and become speculators life what quality of life we have?, Is life is it possible?. Before scientific knowledge sought truth, now from the relationship with capital, science is integrated into the capitalist logic of maximizing profit at the lowest cost, ie, science becomes a force of production, circulation a time capital, as Hacking says: "Much of the technology application is normal science."

From the scientific and technological boom in the last century emerged critical reflections on science and technology from different perspectives: economic, ecological, sociological, political, etc. These reflections were concerned about the negative environmental consequences of certain scientific experiments rigged ethical problems for certain areas of research such as biotechnology, socio-technology, cloning, etc.., Economic and technological dependence that are subject to the underdeveloped countries and the role of ideology and social control theories play (Frei, 1983).


Technology deals with human action on things and giving people power over things and human beings, and not all power is good for everyone. Wealth creation can have negative effects. Ecological risk, nuclear, chemical and genetic, often intangible and global accompany the benefits of development and affect modern society it is obvious that technological advances allow progress inalienable humanity, but we must take into account and reflect price to pay if we can avoid negative effects.

The society has never been exposed to such media products nowadays, which is why communication has become one of the crucial elements in time to trigger changes and transformations cause today. The public spaces, rather influenced by politics and the press, have to coexist with other forms of interaction from the virtual space called. In fact, we'd be experiencing an important moment in which coexist technology and communication as one of several engines generators of the transformations experienced by society (Fleron, 1977).

Technological development has left much everyone flabbergasted with the technological innovations of the market. It is because of this development that we have access to information in an extremely fast. As if by magic we can access the text contained in any corner of the globe since that is part of the worldwide network of computers.

New Technologies and Society is to provide a space for reflection and discussion of research related to the impact and manifestations of media communication via the Information Technology and Communication (ICT) and its impact on the contemporary world. From this perspective, the Working Group will prioritize the studies to discuss and analyze the dissemination of information, knowledge and entertainment in communicative formats found on the Internet, its impact on democratization as well as the manifestations of these relationships expressed in their respective forms, contents, knowledge and languages.

The impact of new technologies in our society is not new ...
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