Teamwork And Motivation

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Teamwork and Motivation

Teamwork and Motivation


'Techno' is small manufacturing company which manufactures widgets. These widgets are called 'WooWoo'. These are manufactured on the similar pattern as the known brands and one can be benefitted with the low price it offers. Compared to the brands that are available in the market, 'WooWoo' is more easily available and in the reach of the customer than the known brands. Currently the company is doing great in terms of sales. Even though the sales are high, there are some defects in the product that needs to be sorted out. These defects are increasing the cost of the widgets and late deliveries are causing damage to the reputation of the company. The company consist of 50 employees and there are four main departments; sales, assembly, technology and administration. These departments need improvement in terms of employee motivation so that the work being delivered is of the required quality.


The company should design an organization motivation plan that encourages the workers to perform at their best level. The focus of the design is to increase the job satisfaction of the employee, lower the turnover rate, and increase the productivity and the quality to be improved. The organization plan is as below;

Rewards and Business Strategies

It is important for the business to incorporate reward strategy with the business strategy. The benchmark set for the WooWoo production is 500 per week. If the benchmark is achieved, the employees should get some recognition for it. An employee will be satisfied, if he doesn't feel alienated. An incentive should be given if the workers perform above their benchmark (Podmoroff, 2005).

Employee needs and Reward Design

If the needs of the employee are not catered to, it will lead to high turnover rate. It is important to understand the needs of the employees. Not all the employees are motivated by the monetary factor; some may require different factors to be motivated (Luthans & Stajkovic, 1999). The stress level can be looked into. Stress relieve will definitely decrease the turnover rate (Podmoroff, 2005).

Top Performer Recognition

The company wants their worker to work for higher productivity. The top performers should be recognized and motivated in order to encourage the workers to increase their productivity level. This should not only base on the number of products but also on the quality (Gitman, 2008). This way the company will be able to maintain their quality criteria and deliver widgets that have no defects.

This design will specifically focus on the job satisfaction of the employee, higher productivity, low turnover rate and improve the quality of the WooWoo widgets. There are different methods that can be used to motivate the employees (Gitman, 2008).

Methods to motivate employees

Knowing how to motivate employees is an important skill for any manager or entrepreneur. The motivation is the basis of both a good work rate and yield of quality is a lasting working relationship with a little loss of human resources. At the base of turnover there are not only financial reasons, but in 75% of the employees ...
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