Teams, Leadership And Motivation

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Teams, Leadership and Motivation



Team Context2

Nature of Leadership4





Teams, Leadership and Motivation


Groups and team s are a vital part of any Organization in any field or discipline. In fact, there are a number of tasks that cannot be performed by the individuals and hence require a team for its execution (Samson et all, 2012). Therefore, it is important to note that the working in team is beneficial however; there are several challenges and issues attached to it as well.


The aim of this paper is to discuss and analyze my experience of teamwork in the past in the context of related theories and principles.

Team Context

Last year in my school a group of my classmates, decided to raise a fund raising campaign for donating money to a charity Organization dedicated to providing education for the children belonging to low income families. A total of 10 students volunteered for this activity where the person who proposed the idea was declared as the leader after consensus. A few days before forming the team, one of our classmates had to leave the school as his father lost his job and therefore was unable to afford the education expenses. He was a mutual friend of all the ten team members and everyone including me realized the importance of this activity and the significance of this cause.

It was decided that the funds and other commodities collected within three months will be donated to the charity and the process will be repeated for the next three months if the results and outcomes are encouraging. The interesting thing to note that our team was very diverse in nature. Although, all the team members belonged to the same section and grade. However, the personalities of individuals within the group were very different. The team had some of the very cheerful and expressive individuals besides the ones who would usually stay quiet and would participate rarely pin the discussions. In addition, majority of the team members were white Christian Americans. However, two Asians including a Sikh and a Hindu also volunteered to participate for the cause.

Another most important aspect of our team was the planning and implementation of the activities essential for a successful fund raising plan and the distribution of roles and responsibilities in accordance to these activities.

Announcement Team: The individuals with impressive speaking and persuasive skills were including in this team. They would serve as the motivational speakers in the interactive sessions that were arranged to encourage the students to donate money, books, stationeries and other such products and commodities.

Promotion: Team members with good writing and designing skills were asked to write the content for the speeches, making pamphlets and maintaining a facebook page for the entire school to access and get more information about our program.

Finance Team: The individuals who were good with numbers were assigned the task of keeping a record of the donation collected and analyze if the amount of funds at any given time is ...
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