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Team Performance Management

Team Performance Management


Waitrose, a chain of supermarkets is a division of John Lewis Partnership, a British retailer. The company exists to offer high quality food and customer service and is positioned as more expensive quality food desired amongst the middle class. Ti supplies wine, groceries, and spirits to Queen Elizabeth II. In the long-term, the company foresees 400 branches across UK with revenues to 8 billion pounds(Company Information).

Waitrose, the supermarket division of The John Lewis Partnership, operates more than 220 branches dedicated to offering high quality fresh food, value and customer service. Waitrose has been driving through an ambitious change program designed to further strengthen the business and create a solid platform for sustainable growth. A combination of outstanding service delivery and competitive pricing for consumers, investment in existing and new shops and formats and improving the efficiency of the business, fuel this ambition(Company Information).

Learning Outcomes 3

Monitoring Team Performance

No matter we notice or not, almost every time we find ourselves in situations where we are brought to work with others to address an issue or an opportunity. Working alone is a diminishing phenomenon that does not fit in the present day situation.

Business enterprises are largely faced with the challenges of effective team management and get the best performance with the minimization of free riders with in the groups.It becomes crucial to evaluate team performance and review appraisals to know whether the employees are performing as per given job description or not. Hence, team performance management plays a key role in assessing if the team is headed in the right direction or not. We'll focus Waitrose company's policies of managing the monitoring their team(Tarricone & Luca 2002, Pp. 2-3).

Waitrose has effective performance management structure and transparent rewards structurewhich largely talks about effective individual performance monitoring enabling them to take responsibility of their work. Their wide network of 220 branches greatly reveals their efficient human resource management skills and motivation. Since, one of the key competencies of the company is their focus on quality, a consistent demand for excellence yields best results. The leadership of Waitrose ensures that the teams are made with diverse capabilities and finishes projects timely and effectively. The work management works on realistic benchmarks and reward system; well performing employees are recognized and rewarded whilst trainings and motivational campaigns are conducted for low performing individuals. Other monitoring tools include two way communications between managers and subordinates to evaluate the problem areas and assist them to enable productivity and efficiency within the team(Mitra 2007, Pp. 1-2).

Evaluating Specified Objectives with Team's Actual Performance

Objectives are planned annually, semi-annually or quarterly depending upon the need and strategic motives of the organization. These objectives are referred to short term steps to drive long-term growth and development. Waitrose plans its objectives annually with the consensus of senior management and make sure that it is clearly embedded at all levels of management, esp. the middle and lower management who are the major contributors towards its achievement(Tarricone & Luca 2002, ...
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