Team Work

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Team work

Team work


Teams are basically group of people with various skills and abilities who have the same objective and goal. The members in a team hold themselves accountable for their own individual achievements. The members in a team create their own distinct identity and they coordinate together to achieve their common goals and objectives. A team can only be effective if it complete its tasks on time in the most economical way. All the members of a team individually contribute to the team on the basis of their individual skills and abilities. It is said that while forming and managing a team, it is very essential and important for the business organization to take into account not only the technical skills and knowledge of individuals but also their abilities to work together with others and their interpersonal skills.


Part 1

Nature of groups/teams

Teamwork is very significant for high performance in the business organization and it contributes to the success of the organization. It has proved in many studies that business organization is likely to perform well when the employees work together as a team. The reason is that team can create synergy and the combined effect of team is much greater than the individual efforts. When individuals work together in a team, they apply their individual's abilities, skills and experiences and resolve many complicated problems

Teams and groups in business organization play a significant role in achieving their goals and objectives. While individual work in teams and groups, they not only enhance their skills and abilities but work together to achieve the organizational goals and objectives, which further contributes to the success of the business organization (Frey & Wolf, 2004, pp 274)

Formal and informal structure of teams

Formal teams are basically groups which are specifically designed by the management to carry out some specific tasks for the achievement of organizational goals. Such teams are also referred to as work teams. There are many types of formal teams which includes common team and work committee (Herzberg, 1959, pp 116)

On the other hand, informal teams or groups are formed when individual interact and work together on a regular basis. The informal teams are automatically created within the formal structure of the organization. The informal teams within an organization are also referred to as norms as they represent the behavior of individual that they have for each others.

Group dynamics

Group dynamics is considered as a system of attitudes and behaviors which are developed within a social group in a business organization. Group dynamics are very essential for the company as they helps in decision making. Group dynamics can be intergroup and intergroup. Intergroup dynamics are a set of norms that create roles, relationship and common goals of a specific social group. On the other hand, intergroup dynamics is referred to as the psychological relationship between the various social groups in the business organization (Wageman, 1997, pp 49)

Affect on behavior of teams

All the above factors, if are incorporated adequately in the business organization can have positive effects on the ...
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