Team Profiling Exercise

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Team Profiling Exercise

Team Profiling Exercise


Krassmir has been a key player of the team, as Krassmir has played vital role in the success of the team. Krassmir has been good at turning or feinting; besides it, ball control, long and short pass are also good which contributed in the crucial parts of the games. Moreover, it is also noted that that Krassmir is not good at dribbling variation and heading; which are important skills for a player to have as while making a goal, these skills often contributes to making the goal. However, his shorts at goal and speed has been explosive over the years as with the help of these skilled, Krassmir, scored several goals.

Reeves is a player who is a master in what he do; this statement can be endorsed by the fact that various wins of team is because of him. Moreover, Reeves is highly efficient at turning or feinting, shorts at goal, speed without or with ball, agility, attack, defence, behaviour, responsibility, intelligence, motivation, self confidence and concentration towards the game and objective of winning. However, heading is the only factor which affects the strength of Reeves.

Sheldon is also important player of the team; however, it is often noted that his self confidence, responsibility, motivation and coordination which are the qualitative factors often affects his performance in the field. On the other hand, it is noted that he has been good at all the other contributing factors that include his agility, attack on the ball, control, behaviour, concentration, defence, dribbling variation, endurance, explosive speed, heading, intelligence, short pass, long pass, shorts at the goal, speed with or without ball and turning or feinting are good.

Emerson is also main player of the team over the years; the reason such is that he is good and efficient in most of the required skills. The key skills of Emerson include turning or feinting, speed without or with ball, shorts at goal, short pass, self confidence, responsibility, motivation, long pass, intelligence, explosive speed, endurance, dribbling variation, defence, coordination, concentration, behaviour, ball control, attack and agility; which contributes towards the success of the team.

Kurt is a player who always plays vital role in winning, as he has command over most of the skills whether they are mental skills or game related skills. Furthermore, it can be said that in some skills he is good and some he is highly efficient and effective. The skills of Kurt entails agility, attack, ball control, behaviour, concentration, coordination, defence, dribbling variation, endurance, explosive speed, heading, intelligence, long pass, motivation, responsibility, self confidence, short pass, shorts at goal, turning or feinting and speed without or with ball.

Kleaven is a player who needs to focus on strong mental factors that include self confidence and responsibility. On the contrary, it is observed that Kleaven has been highly efficient at all the other aspects that entails ball control, intelligence, dribbling variation, turning or feinting, shorts at goal, agility, concentration, long pass, short pass, coordination, heading, behaviour, explosive speed, ...
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