Team Leadership: Memorandum

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Team Leadership: Memorandum

To: [Name of Manager]


Subject: [Introduction of New Team]

I have been assigned a team of four members to lead a newly created Research department. My team will be responsible for conducting research on existing products within the industry. This research will work as a building foundation for next product's launch.

Although, the team I have been assigned to lead is new to this department, I know members' personality as this is my current Learning tam. The team has been recruited under my supervision and I am also assisting them in their learning process. The first stage involved in building this team for the newly created department is to assemble the members and define the goals. This step will help us focus and make the goals attainable. Owing to this fact, it is important for the leader to understand and the strengths and weaknesses of each member for assembling a cohesive team. I have evaluated my team including myself under Big Five model of personality assessment.

My team includes one senior researcher, two junior researchers, and one assistant to the researchers. The senior researcher, John Marshall, is the most experienced team member among others. He has an experience of five years in an Ngo where he has worked as Research supervisor. His skills and knowledge makes him a person who is open to new information, and applying it while being open to risks as well. His prior work years have made him an extrovert conscientious. These traits make him a responsible, organized, and dependable; team member. His traits helped him acquire the designation of Senior Research officer as he would be leading the team next to me. Research is a kind of work where a bit of unreliability or distraction may cause a huge risk to the whole project. However, he lack agreeableness and possess authoritative trait. He believes in listening to other but doing what he believes is right. This trait makes him closed to other's suggestion.

The Two junior researchers are Maria Will and Mark Anthony. Being a woman Maria's personality is more extrovert than that of Mark. Maria is more open to new ideas and taking risks than Mark. This personality trait of Maria helps her being inline with the organizational culture which believes in innovation and development. On the other hand, Mark shows reluctance in taking risks which makes him closed towards news ideas. However, he is a fresher with high qualification. His qualifications make him suitable for the designation and the project. Working within the team and being led by a transformational leader will make alter his personality. Nonetheless, he is conscientious that makes him responsible and dependable. He is a hard working individual who has keenness to learn and that is why he also has a great level of agreeableness. The emotional stability of both team members lies at the same level and they know to control themselves at times of urgency rather than behaving ...