Team Dynamics

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Team Dynamics

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Team Dynamics


In the context of the contemporary global business environment the team based culture has become a significant component of the organizational strategy. In this environment the companies have to operate in a highly competitive and performance based scenario, where they have to develop efficient organizational structures. In the traditional perspective the rigid and bureaucratic organizational structure was developed in the majority of the organizations, due to the existence of the stable consumer markets (Abbott et Al, 2006). In the contemporary scenario however the situation has changed drastically, where the phenomenon of globalization has caused the majority of the companies to face the global competitive forces. In this environment the organizations have to operate in the global consumer market, where the consumers do not display the traditional loyal consumption traits.

In these highly competitive business environments the team based allows the organizations to become highly sensitive to the various trends in the consumer market. It allows the companies the benefit of making timely and significant decisions, and capitalizing on the opportunities that arise in the global consumer market. The team based culture has provided the employees with the authority to make significant decisions, and take a proactive role in the context of the organizational environment. Considering the significance of the concept of team based organizational structure it is important for the contemporary managers to critically analyze this concept and develop the adequate team structures. The team base group contrary to the popular belief is not a holistic entity, in which the individual performances of the employees are ignored; rather it is the accumulation of individuals with specified and significant professional attributes, which help create synergy.


Organizational Team: Contemporary Misconceptions

Individual Competencies

The view that h a team based environment is created by ignoring the individual contribution of the relevant participants is a completely incorrect and fallacious view. The fact is that the team based environment has experienced significant changes in the recent times, due to the popularity of the concept in the contemporary business environment. The team is created to allow the management the advantage of sharing the decision making authority and creating a more dynamic communication based environment. In this perspective the team has to be created among the individuals who have the capability to handle such an important role in the context of the company, and be able to add value to the team. Synergy is the concept that the accumulated parts create more value than the individuals (Compton, 2007). The ideology behind synergy is that when a group of talented individuals decide to work together and achieve a goal in a comprehensive manner they are able to maximize the strengths and cover the team weaknesses. In this way the team is able to achieve goals that the individuals would not=be able to achieve is they decided to work separately. Considering the importance and the relevance of the team based culture in the current business environment, a substantial amount of research has been conducted to analyze the ...