Team Development

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Team Development

Team Development


In this era, for majority of the organizations, teamwork has become a significant part of daily operations of an organization. The employees are mostly expected to be the operational part of the working team. The Cuttingedge Ltd can benefit by the development of a stronger team and this organization can lead to success by the development of a proper team that must work for the growth of the organization.


The development of a team clearly means a workforce group. In developing a stronger team for our considered organization, the owner or supervisor must assess and illuminate the objectives and purposes for the organization, in addition to this the owner must identify the obstacles that will come in their path of these objectives accomplishment and must plan for the organizational development. The team work concept is mainly chosen like the working environment by most of the organizations for the purpose of achieving their organizational goals. Functioning as an integrated team is considered by any organization as the success backbone. Working in a team is considered by majority of the organizations because of the fact that convolution of various products need compound skills. For the purpose of achieving the better results, the organization that we have considered must this approach of team work.

Characteristics of Effective Team

Contributions by Individuals

The contributions by individuals are not generally considered as ancestor situations. The contributions by an individual can be considered as precondition distinctiveness of efficient team work. The owner of the considered organization must manage and establish relationships between individual workers. For this purpose, the critical teamwork component will be that each individual worker in the team will have different kind of personalities and variety of non-professional and professional experiences (LaFasto, 2001). At a minimum, for the participation of each individual, the team will require the trust, flexibility, self-knowledge and commitment.


Within a team, a unique position and personality is brought by each individual member of the team, which commonly affects the function of team. The individuals have to be self-aware and independent before they can be productive, respectful and satisfied by others. In an organizational environment, the four features are being contributed by an individual for the whole team. These four features include professional and personal self-esteem, understanding of responsibilities and skills of colleagues, professional prospects and awareness of images of the colleagues for an individual. The professional self-esteem is the most significant for the members of the team understanding and cooperating with their team members.


The trust ability is originated from competence and self-knowledge. Trust should be gradually developed among the members of the team who have distinct priorities, assumptions and competencies by means of building confidence in reliability and competence of each other. The trusting workers are eager to share their skills and knowledge with no fear of getting exploited and diminished. Those workers mostly have an improved ability for individual knowledge. In addition to this trust, the respect for other individual's expertise and skills is also ...
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