Team And Performance Management

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Effective Team and Performance Management

Executive Summary

Team performance and management is essential for those organizations that claim team work as their asset. Employees at Electron experienced change when new members were introduced in the teams. This change was not accepted by the existing as well as the new members of the team. There was a lot of learning to be done by the new members of the team so that they can easily adjust in their teams. In order to understand the team dynamics it is better for the organization to understand their employees first. Through proper training and communication, it can be possible to teach the members new to their teams, regarding the culture and norms of the organization. Team size, emotional intelligence and social loafing are the three major factors that impact the team performance at Electron. It is advisable for Electron to fully understand and evaluate the employees as individuals and also as a team, and come up with a proper program to train them to eliminate all their problems. The analysis of case study revealed that the performance management at Electron will allow organizations to better communicate its common and operational goals. Indeed, when the performance reached its highest level, the company can benefit from a range of benefits such as increased income of the organization, improved interpersonal relationships between members and simplifying tasks in implementing a control system. The performance management system in the organization must sure that the employees are well aware of it so that they can improve their performance and can work in the same manner. The key factors that impact the performance of the employees are employee motivation, performance, engagement in decision making, employee absenteeism, employee morale etc.

Executive Summary1


About the Company4

The Team Structure and its Issues at Electron5

Team Dynamics5

Issues Surrounding Team Dynamics at Electron6

Critical Factors Impacting the Team's Performance Management at Electron8

Team Size8

Emotional Intelligence8

Social Loafing9

Implications of Effective Team and Performance Management at Electron10



Effective Team and Performance Management


This assignment is based on the Effective Team and Performance Management of Electron Company. Electron is a modest assembling and manufacturing located in the North of England. It was made in 1997. Electron fabricates components for the telecommunications industry. The UK based headquarters utilizes 150 individuals, with 90 individuals in the assembling branch.

Performance management is the monitoring and assessing of the performance of the staff and the employees; therefore, it should be made sure that the management is careful while reviewing the performances. Performance management actually improves productivity and profits, but unfortunately many organizations do not understand the process and often reduced to a mere administrative formality that has little value. A team may simultaneously capacity in neighborliness in any company, two or more people working together appropriate is a major consideration focus towards achieving triumph. It is the work of an aide to screen the performance of his or her team; complete the best around his or her subordinates; and verify the shortcomings, qualities, and potential growth of each team ...
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