Teaching Resource Package

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Teaching resource package

Teaching resource package


The resource package for SOSE pertains to resources regarding the methods and tools used for teaching in a class. The SOSE stands for subjects dealing with society and human behaviors. It mainly deals with all areas that pertain to social sciences, and therefore, provides a curriculum that aids students acquire the most undated knowledge of subjects that pertain to social sciences, as well as, human behavior disciplines. The paper pertains to eight major areas regarding the subjects of SOSE and assesses curriculum and syllabus for them (Reynolds, 2011). These areas are most fundamentally discussed subjects in the context of human behavior and sciences, discussed as under:


It has to do with the origin of mankind, as well as, the human science and the social science. The area has to be taught in order to equip students with the origin of human behaviors in a broader pretext. The teaching resources used for anthropology are discussed as under;

Web link: http://www.socialscienceforschools.org.uk-

The link provides ectensive knowledge on anthropological development, as well as, the studies of different time, along with, the'' current information and latest findings.

Book: the prescribed text will be “the interpretation of culture”, which gives how societies have evolved and dissolved over time.

Organizational resource: the organizational resource for class will be anthropological museums and other relevant places

Student learning activity: at the end of the semester, the students have taken any one human society and make a story board which entails evolution of any one human society (Reynolds, 2011).


It is defined as “the study of human past in terms of activities by collecting and analyzing the material and excavated stuff”. Archaeology is a science of looking at findings of the past and building the analysis and interpretation of action. The appropriate teaching resources are given as under:

Web link: www.archelogychannel.org, the website contains all the information that is discovered till now regarding material discoveries about the mankind.

Book: the prescribed text will be “our ancestors the Gauls”, which interprets and describes people and their form of activities, as well as, their course of living in the past. It talks about the origin of societies.

Organizational resource: the organizational resources include archeological museums, as well as, the ancient monuments and places of old in habitat. Student learning activity: the students have to collect materials from any vicinity and analyze the form and course of human activity pertaining to that society (Reynolds, 2011).


The discipline deals with the study of the nature of a crime, as well as, its causes, effects and legal punishment. The field and pertaining research study highly depends on the foundation of sociological theories and contexts. The proposed resources for students are as under:

Web link: www.aic,gov.au. The website contains all the relevant data regarding crime, as well as, societal intervention and theories. It explains all the relevant data that deals with criminology and the action of government in this regard.

The prescribed text book will be “the handbook of quantitative ...
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