Teaching Philosophy

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Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy


This paper intends to discuss my own teaching philosophy. Becoming an effective teacher requires a deep and thoughtful philosophy. This philosophy would include key issues and clear philosophy like evaluation practices, motivational theories, learning environment, teaching styles and others. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about my passion related to the field of teaching along with delineating and defending my own teaching philosophy.


Teaching remains one of the most important professions in the world. I believe teaching is such a noble profession that it creates a linkage between the soul of the students to the power of knowledge and education. Moreover, I am of the opinion that teachers are morally obliged to provide the best education to the every single student that is present in the classroom. Similarly, it is equally important to fulfill the expectations of children by providing them all what they need from a teacher especially the care, the sincerity and the required attention (Richard, 2010).

I believe consistency, diligence and warmth towards the children make them feel more comfortable in communicating with the children and I intend to create positive relationships with my students. For the purpose of making sure the delivery of quality education, it also becomes necessary for teachers to remain updated with the most recent methods and technologies to teach the students. Moreover, I also believe that teachers need to be able to respect the diversity within the nature of this profession. Teachers are exposed to students which belong to different cultures, races and religions. In order to make sure that this diversity does not hinder the process of providing quality education, teachers need to learn respecting and handling diversity (David & Kimberly, 2006).

Teachers possess the capability to maximize the various benefits that are related to the ...
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