Teaching Grammar Assignment 3

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Teaching Grammar Assignment 3

Teaching Grammar Assignment 3


This paper intends to design a classroom activity or a sequence of different activities. A maximum of fifty minutes activity will be designed in this paper. The basic reason behind designing the activities is to make sure that ESL and EFL students become masters of particular grammar features. The rationale behind each activity designed will be provided. The paper is important for ESL and EFL students mainly because these students always remain weak with their grammar. Grammar remains an essential part of the English language learning and therefore the paper intends to provide opportunities to the ESL and EFL students to improve their grammar. For instance, tenses are one of the main aspects of learning the grammar of English language properly.

Students usually have a prior knowledge of tenses and verbs; the only purpose of the underlying activities is to polish the grammar of the students. The EFL and ESL students usually have a minimum exposure and interest to speak English outside the classroom; such activities remain important. A coherent and clear argument is intended to provide through linking the relevant research literature. Also, the factual accuracy of the language description always remains important in such instances. Therefore, the activities designed for the ESL and EFL learners are essentially important to polish their knowledge regarding the past, present and future tenses along with providing them with a thorough knowledge of verbs usage. The purpose of this paper is to provide the readers with different classroom activities in order to improve their speaking skills and fluency of English language.

Significance of Communicative Activities

As far as the significance of communicative activities for the practice of English language is concerned; the more and more practice facilitates the long term learning process of the ESL and EFL learners. Therefore, it can be easily suggested that the designed activities remain extremely important and impactful for the improvement in grammar. All the relevant designed grammar activities are usually intended to provide the learners with different and unique grammar features. The communicative activities and games are extremely effective for grammar practice and thus they show that the interactive activities can foster the learning of EFL and ESL students to the level of mastery of the target grammar structures. The different activities and communicative games make it easy for the ESL and EFL learners to identify their own mistakes and the corrective feedback from the peers and teachers help them to take corrective measures towards the reduction of their mistakes (Folse & Bologna, 2004).

The ESL and EFL learners are usually hesitant towards speaking English only because they believe their grammar is incorrect and people will make fun of them. This remains one of the most important reasons behind the failure of the ESL and EFL students in speaking English fluently. However, the different classroom activities make the ESL and EFL students able to target where they go wrong in grammar structures and also to correct the underlying mistakes ...