Teaching Foundation

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Teaching Foundation


Teaching Foundation

Teaching and learning is a very important facet when it comes to dispatching and maintaining the quality of education. The job of a teacher is an arena of challenges and learning opportunities every going day. As a result, the process of teaching and learning goes hand in hand. Teaching is a determinant of societal development, as well as, reflection of the societal growth and intellect level. Similarly learning encompasses of experiences that are practical implications of knowledge, as well as, the consequences being reached by them. It is very important to understand that the concept of teaching and learning go hand in hand with each other and are closely interrelated.

Teaching is referred to a social process as it is influenced by the social and political backgrounds of the country. The job of a teacher is comprised of a large number of challenges. He has to take learning and teaching hand in hand, in addition to that, he tends to develop a course map that leads the student to a much better structure of his personality. Teaching is a social profession, a teacher is directly concerned with societal development through the influence he exerts upon the society. it is an obvious and acknowledged fact that teaching in a primary class is a complex yet very contemplative task. It encompasses of grabbing the development component of the child and directly mobile him through the course of societal, as well as, personal development.

Learning is a comprehensive process. A teacher has to continue acquiring new knowledge, as well as, upgrade his existing knowledge through experiment. Primarily, learning pertains to upgrade the knowledge, skills, values, preferences and other influential modes. Learning is fundamental to teaching, a teacher speaks the world to students, and therefore, if he tends to adhere to the type of knowledge and skill pertaining to his existing scope, he would not be an effective teacher preparing the future of societies.

In the context of developmental psychology, the phase of primary education is very important when it comes to develop the person in any manner. A child enrolled in primary education is very open to the learning and development. The influence exerted upon such a child in the phase of primary education is lasting throughout the course of his life. This adds to the challenges of dispatching primary education. Effective impartment of primary education is a convoluted yet significant question of the global world today. It takes lot more of responsibility to stand in a primary classroom and teach, as well as, learn. Students in primary education are open to all forms of learning and development, yet they are at the verge of creativity, imagination and wonder.

The job of a teacher is comprised of a large number of challenges. He has to take learning and teaching hand in hand, in addition to that, he tends to develop a course map that leads the student to a much better structure of his personality. Teaching is a social profession, a teacher is ...
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