Teaching Families About Learning Disabilities

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Teaching families about learning disabilities

Teaching families about learning disabilities


Being a parent to a child with learning disability is a tough job as it requires parents to coordinate with children and their teachers as well effectively. Teachers of such a important task become accountable for whatever these children learn in terms of academics but also in terms of behavior as well (know-the-ada.com, 2007). There are many organizations that have specialized and professionally trained teachers for teaching children and most importantly dealing with their parents in terms of making them learn the tactics of handling these kinds of children. These organizations are aimed at sharing their observations with parents regarding child's performance, identifying and discussing the strengths and interests of children, clarifying the specially designed program, making strategies and tools to help children and their parents both with this issue (pbs.org, n.d.).


A learning disorder is considered as the permanent disorder with respect to neurological aspects of human body and it actually restricts the capability of brain to process the information while speaking, listening, reading and solving mathematical problems. Such a affected child possess average or more than a average level of intelligence but he or she may not be able to prove himself academically. As per facts, there are about 15% of students suffering from this disability during school going age (Delahunty, C., 2012). There are numerous programs and organizations working in this regard and the most appropriate one, which is aimed at developing an efficient program via team work of parents disabled child, a trainer, a diagnostician, and the usual class teachers at school. As per several research parents of such disabled children play a vital role in addressing the need for social and emotional interaction of child. Therefore, these parents are highly in need of being trained for handling such tangled traits of their children in form of counseling and to understand the specific needs of these children. The organizations like The Attention Deficit Information Network, Inc. works particularly for offering adequate support and information to parents of these children. Similarly, National Association for the Education of African American Children with Learning Disabilities work in promoting the guidance and training the parents and families f disabled children in Black's communities (NLS Reference Circulars, 2004).

There are various resources available online and tangibly as well now a days that assist in teaching families regarding child's disabilities, which are online books, videos, games, ...
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