Teaching And Learning

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Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

Students as Adult Learners

In my teaching practice, I have observed that my students are the adult learners as they do not face difficulty in capturing the idea or the concept behind the course or the lesion. This helps in planning and also delivering the course content easily to the students, as it does not matter how difficult the lesson is, the knowledge level of the students are high which helps them in getting the main concept of the lesson which affects in making that is planning and delivering the content of the course. Moreover, the following characteristics of students are the adult learners are determined;

Adults are autonomous and self

The adult learners have accumulated different knowledge and life experiences in their lives that include the educational background, family responsibilities and also the professional activities. The adult learners need to learn while remaining in contact with that body of experience and knowledge. To help them do so, teachers must learn from the experiences and knowledge of participants that are relevant to the topic. Adult learners need to link about the concepts and theory and the students need to be aware of the importance of the experiences in learning (Lovell, 2007).

Adult learners have goal-directed behavior

While getting enrolled in the course, adult learners generally know what objective they intend to achieve. For that reason, adult learners are pleased about the educational programs which are organized and comprises of clearly defined elements. Teachers should show adult learners how the class will aid or guide them in getting their desired objective. This definition of objectives and goals of the course should be discussed or cleared at the beginning of the course. Therefore, it can be said that the adult learners have goal directed behavior which is an important feature in the process of adult learning.

Adult learners interested in the question of relevance

Adult learners must have a reason to learn something. Learning must be linked to the responsibilities and work that have importance for them. Consequently, teachers should recognize goals for the adult learners before the commencing of the course. It also means that the concepts should be associated with setting recognizable to the learners. In the course, the adult learners can be allowed to choose their projects that are based on their own interests which will help in keeping them motivated throughout the term which ultimately affect the ...
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