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Teacher Education Reforms Between Higher Education And General Education Transformations In South- Eastern Europe: Reviewing The Evidence And Scoping The Issues

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Teacher Education Reforms between Higher Education and General Education Transformations in South- Eastern Europe: Reviewing the Evidence and Scoping the Issues

Teacher Education Reforms between Higher Education and General Education Transformations in South- Eastern Europe: Reviewing the Evidence and Scoping the Issues


Teacher development program is one of the essential features in developing a sound education system. The effective designing of teacher's training and education includes alterations in program structures, result based education as competitive curriculums in terms of latest knowledge and development, innovative ways of thinking as well as predicting the future employment opportunities for graduates. Simultaneously, the main purpose of developing a competitive teaching program is to prepare teachers for teaching in a south eastern Europe countries. The education system in South Eastern Europe countries has been through manifold changes since the 1990's. Teachers play a critical role in preparing future leaders through enlightening their minds with education. A better educated citizen is able to voice his opinions more clearly in fighting for his or her rights through democracies. So, the implication posed by this ideal scenario is that community-based as well as school-based knowledge should join together to prepare teachers and equip them with latest skills to impart education to pupil in a more effective manner.


There is an increasing trend in global patterns of social reforms leading to the global beliefs about creating knowledge, values and skills that are worth teaching to. Teachers are the human resources that assist the individuals in building up their personal competencies as well as from knowledge based societies (Hargreaves, 2003, p. 59). So, there is an international campaign of redesigning the standards for hiring teachers, developing new systems as well as policies for teacher based learning system in order to upgrade the quality of the education system. Hargreaves depicts that the teachers ...
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