Teacher Education Programs

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Teacher Education Programs

Teacher Education Programs


What happens when they get the computers to schools? Does the technology generate changes and innovations in teaching methodology, in the activities in the classrooms on student learning? Does a school availability of sufficient in- infrastructure and technological resources change, and in what sense, modes of organization and forms of teachers' work? Guided by these initial questions, we have planning do ethnographic research and developed, over two years, in various centers schools participating in Project Medusa (Canarian Government project aimed digital technologies to provide all schools in the archipelago and train teachers for educational use). With the case studies we sought to identify the most remarkable effects of information technologies and communication generated each center in relation to (Nwachukwu, 2006):

Innovations in the "field of school organization" of the center (location of equipments, ways of sharing, coordination).

Innovations in the "field of education" in the classroom (content being taught, activities, methodological innovations and evaluation).

Innovations in the "area of student learning" (analysis of processes learning, changes in motivation and attitudes toward education, interaction between students and teacher).

Innovations in the "teacher professional field" (training, collaborative work among teachers).

This article is structured into five parts. In the first stage, fundamental recital line that supports the study and the research question posed. For this we reviewed the main lines of research on this problem providing a synthesis of knowledge regarding leading practices educational use of ICT in school settings. In the second describes the educational context in which education policy is part of the processes of incorporation and use of ICT in schools in recent years. In the third research design offer made ??dando realize the objectives, instruments and methodological strategies employed. In the fourth section presents the general results derived from cross-analysis of studies case and classified around the four dimensions of the study-that is, realizing the impact of ICT in relation to school organization from the center, classroom practice, to teacher professionalism, and learning and student involvement. This part of the paper has focused on third paper of the paper which is methodology part.

Third chapter introduces the methodology that was used in this research study. It describes the research method, the population and, the sample size selection. This research is conducted in Nigeria on Nigerian teachers. The research describes all the variables and their characteristics of ICT Usage and Integration and the Standard of Teacher Education Programs in a Developing Economy (Gorard, 2004). While interpreting data there is to some extent some manipulation that I had done because of limitations of study. Overall the research is designed with the consideration of the issue under studies with respect to requirements of the research and data obtained from different sources with adequate selection of data collection methods.

The author has used exploratory type of research that can be seen in two paged structured questionnaire. The questionnaire used likert scale based on four points where 4 represented highest level while1 represented lowest. There were two main sections in the questionnaire A and ...
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