Teach-Back Decrease To Frequency Of Readmission Among Patients With Heart Failure Above Age 65.

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Teach-back decrease to frequency of readmission among patients with heart failure above age 65.




Literature Review2

Change Plan3

Rosswurm and Larrabee Model3

Step 1: Assess the Need for Change in Practice3

Step 2: Link the problem, Interventions, and Outcomes3

Step 3: Synthesize the Best Evidence3

Step 4: Design Practice Change4

Step 5: Implement and Evaluate the Change in Practice4

Step 6: Integrate and Maintain the Change in Practice4



Teach-back decrease to frequency of readmission among patients with heart failure above age 65.


Chronic disease patients should be treated with especial care in hospitals as well as in their normal daily life. This is so because the readmission of these patients having chronic problems such as heart failure, diabetes definitely burdens the healthcare system of any country. In USA, the problem of the increase in frequency of readmission of such patients poses a great problem or the present healthcare system. This increase refers to the fact that the hospitals are not providing effective care to the patients and discharging them early. Number of reasons could be associated with this increasing rate such as misdiagnosis, lack of quality healthcare and lack of proper guidelines to take care in order to avoid the readmission of the patient to the hospital.


It has been estimated that nearly 5.8 million populations is United States of America suffers from the heart failure. This figure clearly shows that there is a need for change in the conditions in which these patients are being treated. Measures should be taken in order to provide these patients with some knowledge of personally applying some methods of care (White, et al, 2012). According to the existing statistic data, around thirty percent of the heart failure patients get readmitted in hospitals within the duration of 30 days after discharge. The reason for this frequent readmission in the hospitals occur due to the lack of knowledge of their illness and what self-care measures could be taken to avoid serious conditions.

Teach-back method has so far been seen as being the most effective one to control these rates (HCBQI, 2010). This method evaluates learner's knowledge; attitude and change in behavior after discharge that can help the patients to acquire information and knowledge enough to avoid readmission in the hospitals.


Following PICO(T) framework will establish the criteria needed to formulate the question for research that will help in systematically reviewing the selected relevant.

Research Question:

How can the frequency of readmission among patients with heart failure above age 65 cab be decreased by teach-back method?

Focus of the question:

The main focus of this evidence-based improvement research is to assess the efficacy of teach-back method in improving education retention of heart failure patient above age of 65 to prevent readmission in hospitals.

PICO(T) Elements

P = Patients or Population

Patients with heart failure older than 65 years old.

I = Intervention under Consideration

“Teach back” strategy or method to evaluate how well informed the patients are about the cause and how to prevent relapse after discharge.

C = Comparison

The time lapse and number of readmission between a number of patients who are open to instruction and “teach ...