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Traditional Birth Attendant Evaluation

Traditional Birth Attendant Evaluation


The customary Birth assistant programme started in 1993. The programme's priority was on training as numerous TBAs as likely to present clean, protected deliveries; notice complications and refer. Ongoing activities of the TEA program are: follow-up support and on-the-job training, both at meetings and throughout town visits; three monthly TEA report reviews and re-supply of components and equipment; two annual refresher teaching for TBAs who have already been trained and six-day TEA teaching techniques for TBAs in villages where there is a shortage of taught birth assistants; reimbursement of transport charges for emergency referrals by TBAs and capacity building of the TEA programme managers through prescribed techniques and on-the-job training (www.unicef.org).

In 2001, UNICEF presumed blame for providing the allowance to the Provincial wellbeing Department for follow-up undertakings of TBAs in Sesan locality in bitten Treng Province. Youth with a Mission (YWAM) continues to provide cash to Sesan TBAs to cover transport charges when they mention women to the provincial hospital. In 2001, the TEA programme was renamed 'The connection of companionship'. The provincial health department assumed entire blame for administration of the programme in July 2001. YWAMS scheme is to step-by-step withdraw both financial and technical support, with PHD finally presuming entire responsibility for the 'Bridge of Friendship'.

1. Steps in Planning the Proposed Evaluation

The key steps in planning the evaluation will be to

Contribute to the strengthening of the MCH services in the province and improving the health of mothers and infants.

To develop a strong collaborative effort in supporting the TBA programme, have accomplished a significant enhancement in the quality of MCH services accessible to women in remote villages of bitten Treng.

With thorough get access to and often unrealistic journey conditions, 394 TBAs (with median age 45 yrs. -55 yrs.) in villages of all five localities have been taught and are active.

2. Research Question and Objectives

Do TBAs require training in connection with looking after the infants?


To highlight the concerns faced by the TBAs while taking care of patients.

To discuss the training and evaluation paradigms for TBAs.

3. Research Method

For this paper, I will be using qualitative research is much more subjective than quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information, mainly individual, in-depth interviews and focus groups. The nature of this type of research is exploratory and open-ended. Small numbers of people are interviewed in-depth and/or a relatively small number of focus groups are conducted (Harold, 2008, 11).

4. Justification

This type of research is often less costly than surveys and is extremely effective in acquiring information about peoples' communications needs and their responses to and views about specific communications. It is often the method of choice in instances where quantitative measurement is not required.

5. Reliability and Validity of Data


In evaluating studies, several methodological concerns emerge. Perhaps most important are reliability and validity. Reliability assessment is a core component of behavioural research and can be incorporated easily into direct observations for determining optimal levels of ...
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