Tb And Concerned Authorities

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TB and Concerned Authorities

Critique the responses of public health and health promotion agents, the government, the media, and the general public issue of TB

Critique the responses of public health and health promotion agents, the government, the media, and the general public issue of TB


Human body comprises of various organs and the optimum functionality of all those organs defines the health of a person. However, the body and individual organs of human can deteriorate the functionality due to various factors which can be natural present in gene or due to some external factors which affect the health of a human such as smoking. The concept behind providing medical facilities, treatment, and day care nursing is to recover patients from illnesses and bring them again to pink of their health.

The medical illnesses are various all over the world and many patients in the world are present which portray more than one illness, millions of patients all over the world are deprived of basic medical facilities as well. The services of medical facilities are not only the responsibility of the doctors or nurses who practice the profession of medicine but upon all those who have an administrative role to ensure that patients are provided with basic day care facilities and the responsibility lies upon all those who can influence the society in any way which includes the media, NGOs and to an extent the locals of a city or country to ensure that medical rights are invoked for every individual.

Tuberculosis is one of the medical illnesses which are responsible for the death of millions of medical patients in the past two decades. This paper will be highlighting the problem of patients of tuberculosis or TB and will be examining the role of the government, media, NGOs, medical practitioners and the public with respect to the illness of tuberculosis and will be appreciating the positive initiatives and criticizing the lags in responsibility by the concern authorities (Dormandy, 1999).



TB is a lethal infectious disease which is very common; the prime cause of TB is mycobacterium tuberculosis as it causes strain in body TB develops. The main organ which is damaged because of TB is lungs but it can target other respiratory organs such as mouth or the throat as well. TB is a disease which easily spreads freedom one patient to another as the TB germs are carried in air when the patients of TB breathe, cough, or sneeze in open air. Majority of the TB disease are latent and passive they are not much harmful but 10% of TB infections are active and can lead to serious health problems which can further lead to death of 50% of the patients who have active TB.

The physical symptoms of TB are easy to identify which include rapid weight loss, sweating at nights, fever, excessive cough, and blood from mouth. However, physical symptoms are not sufficient to identify the true degree of the illness and active TB can only be analyzed through internal check - up which ...