Taylorism And The “hrm”

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Taylorism and the “HRM”

Taylorism and the HRM


Management is known as the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. Whereas, human resources are accountable for managing a workforce as one of the most important resources that can be made available to the success of an organization. Management can comprise administrative tasks that are together conventional and custom. It can be portrayed as providing a response to demands and distress as they are presented (Cherrington, David J. ,1995, pg 20-25).


However, human resources involve continuing strategies to direct and expand an organization's workforce. It is proactive, as it involves the constant expansion of purpose and policies for the intentions of improving a company's workforce. As much as motivators are apprehensive, managing usually seeks to prompt employees with such things as payment, bonuses, rewards, and the simplification of work. From a managing perspective, employee pleasure provides the incentive necessary to develop job performance. (Cherrington, David J., 1995, pg 28-32)The differing is true of human resources.

Human resources hold that better performance leads to worker satisfaction. “Through human resources, work groups, effective strategies for meeting challenges, and job creativity are seen as the primary motivators.” So with this in mind it would appear that the statement is right, a manager is only successful because of human resources in an effort to “enhance morale and productivity, limit job turnover, and help organizations increase performance and improve business results through taking into consideration the needs of both the employees and the company independently.” (Cherrington, David J., 1995, pg 40)

Is also important to note what both management and hr focus on, this includes:

(HR) department expressly address:

Company requirements and facilities, which include finical, technological, materials, time,

Costs and benefits by obtaining a profit for the company and dealing effectively with staff legal issues

Employee and labor relations which may involve workers being able to find a sense of balance between their work and life commitments for example leave

Safety and health which includes decreasing potential work place injury and working with cases that have taken place

Human resource research, customer satisfaction in the course of surveys and feedback(De Cenzo, A. David, P. Robins1988.)

Management functions comprise of:

PLANNING: this is the organizational process of creating and maintaining a strategic way of either completing or carrying out a set goal

ORGANISING: involves the assignment of tasks, the grouping of tasks into departments and the assignment of authority and allocation of resources across the organization

STAFFING: Job analyzing, recruitment, and hiring individuals for appropriate jobs

LEADING: or directing, the “process of social influence in which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task

CONTROLLING: a group of one or more people or entities for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.

COORDINATING: setting out task in a sequence order to best achieve a common objective

MOTIVATING: the process of stimulating an individual to take action that will accomplish a desired goal.(Galbraith, Jeffery, 2000 pg 22),

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