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1.What special issues need to be considered at the end of the sole trader business?

Referring to the scenario James Fisher should know that there are a number of alternative business structures that are:

Sole Trader

This is the simplest pattern of enterprise since it can be established without lawful formality. The enterprise of a sole trader is not distinguished from the proprietor's individual affairs. If the enterprise incurs liabilities which are unpaid, the creditors can seek repayment from the sole dealer personally.


A joint venture is alike in environment to a sole dealer but engages two or more people employed together. In writing agreement is absolutely vital so that all partners are aware of the periods of the partnership. Again the business and individual activities of the partners are not lawfully separate.

Some traders and partnerships are often referred to as unincorporated businesses and the individual owners as self employed.

Limited Company

A business is a lawful entity in its own right, separate from the individual affairs of the owners and the directors.

A business supplies defence from liability, which means that the creditors of the business will not make a claim against the owners or the directors except in restricted circumstances. Often this benefit is rather decayed because a bank, for demonstration, may request individual assurances from the directors.

These promise benefits carry the downside of larger lawful requirements and guidelines that must be obeyed with.

Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)

LLPs are a halfway dwelling between partnerships and companies.

They are levied in the identical way as a partnership but are legally a business body. This afresh gives some defence to the owners from the partnership's creditors. In this section we address the differing levy treatments of the options but you should select which structure is right for you founded on more than just the levy issues solely.

The tax regime

Unincorporated businesses

Anew enterprise should register with HMRC on commencing to trade. Income levy is paid on the earnings of the business. The amount that the proprietor, or a partner in a partnership, draws out of the enterprise (referred to as 'drawings') is irrelevant.

2.What special issues need to be considered at the start of the limited company business?

Ans. Profits are levied on a present year cornerstone as shown by the demonstration, whereas a new business will be subject to special rules. If the accounting time span (or 'year') end is 31 March then, in the levy year 2010/11, the earnings for the year ended 31 stride 2011 will be taxed. If the yearend was 31 August then, in the tax year 2010/11, the profits for the year ended 31 August 2010 will be taxed.

Tax Tip

The alternative of accounting designated day on a business start up can affect

how profits are taxed

when tax is payable

when losses are relieved

So do communicate us to talk about the options available for your circumstances.

Working out profits

Profits are calculated using acknowledged accounting practices and crucially this means that earnings is not inevitably simply receipts less ...
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